TTT: Staff Appreciation
Today as I was sitting in our SAC meeting (Student Association Counsel) it was brought to my attention that next week is staff appreciation week. Feeling appreciated is definitely one of the better feelings in life. So, in the spirit of staff appreciation week, I thought I would find some cute ideas for you to show your fellow staff members some love!
Valentine’s Style With Bearfruit
How To Combat Winter Hair
TTT: 100th Day Ideas
K, I say this every year but this year is flyinnggggg by. The 100th day of school is just around the corner for my division and it has me feeling excited and a little anxious, there’s still SO much for us to learn!!!
Tech Talk: Camera Gear I Use
As my blog continues to grow I get more and more questions about how I started my blog, how I edit my photos, and the most common question as of lately, “what kind of camera gear do you use?” I’m not an expert in this area but Brandon definitely is. Although he is not a professionally trained photographer, and prefers to take photos of cars and houses, he does an amazing job. “You’re SOOO lucky to have Brandon” is something I hear almost daily and I am the first to admit Teach Me Style would not be what it is if it weren’t for him. In fact, TMS would not be a thing if it weren’t for him. He is the one that pushed me to start it and is constantly pushing me to be better. HE IS AWESOME!
Yes, Another Sweater!
You could say my sweater collection is a tad out of control. Chunky sweaters, sweaters with cut outs, crop sweaters, oversized ones, bright ones, neutral ones… it really is something else. So, guess what I’m sharing today?! If you guessed a sweater, you’re right! LOL! This one is TOTALLY different though… it has zippers and a collar! Okay, it’s not that different, but that’s how I’m justifying it so you’re just going to have to go along with it, mmmk??! Also, once you hear the price you’ll be glad I shared 🙂
TTT: Valentines For Vets
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I’m aware that many people feel that this is simply a silly Hallmark holiday, but I hope this post is a small reminder that it really is about spreading love. And although we may not all agree that Valentine’s Day is a holiday worthy of all the attention, I think we can all agree on this: that the world could always use more LOVE. Am I right?!
Bathers Galore!
You may notice that I typically don’t post on Monday’s because, well, Monday. Anyways… today is different because I have just stumbled across a huge sale and I would feel bad not sharing it with you!
Random Favourites
Cold Shoulder Sweater
This season we have seen it all when it comes to sweaters. Sweaters with collars, ruffles, zippers, and of course, the cold shoulder. Coming from someone who lives in pretty cold temperatures for nearly 6 months of the year, let me tell you, I think it pretty refreshing to see all these twists on classic knits.