TTT: Staff Appreciation

Today as I was sitting in our SAC meeting (Student Association Counsel) it was brought to my attention that next week is staff appreciation week. Feeling appreciated is definitely one of the better feelings in life. So, in the spirit of staff appreciation week, I thought I would find some cute ideas for you to show your fellow staff members some love!
You Make Our School Pop! Set this out in the staff room and watch the smiles grow… everyone loves popcorn!!!
I donut know what I would do without you! This is such a cute idea… place one of these on someone’s desk with a note and there’s no doubt it will make their day!
For the pop drinker on staff… there’s always one! You’re So-Da bomb!
Don’t forget the custodian… they work so hard and often don’t get the appreciation they deserve! Tracy, if you’re reading thank you for keeping our school SPOTLESS!
For more staff appreciation week fun and ideas find me on pinterest and follow my Staff Appreciation Ideas board!
Happy Teaching!