Random Favourites

If you guys have been following me for a while then you may remember I used to do monthly must haves. Some of you may noticed I just kind of stopped doing them, some of you may have not noticed at all. Anyways, I stopped doing them basically because at the end of some months I was almost scrambling to find some to talk about. It didn’t feel natural and almost became a forced thing and that is NOT what I wanted it to be. When I share my favourites that is exactly what I want them to be… MY FAVOURITE.
With that being said, it has been over a year since my last favourites post and I have come to love quite a few things over the past little while. So, I figured I would share them with you via a video!
So, grab a coffee, tea, glass of wine, or pint of beer… whatever tickles your fancy and let me tell you about some of my favourites!
Ps. How cute is my top?! I got it from Express when I was in Edmonton visiting my sister and I just LOVE it! Here is the link!
Candle {42} || Book {21} || Lululemon Align Pants {98} || Evo Hair Mask c/o Evo {31} || Evo Styling Spray c/o Evo {43} || Million Dollar Tan Face & Body {102} c/o Million Dollar Tan Canada || Blush c/o Sigma {19} || Concealer {31}
Your turn! Tell me about some of your favourites!
Brooke Mosher
Cute video Holly! Loved your tips for what to do with a candle container afterwards. Also, your home is gorgeous!
Thanks so much, Brooke!! It is finally starting to come together… it takes so long to make a house a home but it’s definitely starting to feel like home now!
Jasmine Spearing-Bowen
Hi Holly,
Love your site, I’m also a small town Saskatchewan girl, but I love in Arizona now. Literally this morning was looking online for a shirt just like the one you are wearing. Where is it from?
Hi Jasmine! I sent you an e-mail with the link to the exact shirt! I have also updated the post I totally forgot to include that! Thanks for the comment! Cheers to small town Sasky girls 🙂
GIRL. This video is the best- you are such a natural! You have never looked better, you are glowing insane amounts. I totally scooped up a pair of Aligns and I’m mad my job is SO dusty because I want to wear them all the FRIGGEN TIME. Well done, my girl!
Love you tons,
THANK YOU!!!!! You are the sweetest human! Love you!!
Loooove shape tape! Thankfully, you can also order it online from Tarte Canada! That way you dont have to wait until you get to Ulta in the states! xo
Oh my gosh! Are you for real?! This is amazing! Thanks so much for the tip!