Today’s Teacher Talk Tuesday is all about pencils. Yup, pencils… who knew one small cylinder shaped object, filled with lead could be such a pain in the behind. I
I salute teachers who teach in California, Florida, Mexico, or well, basically anywhere that is hot all year round. I pray to…whoever you believe in, that your school has
Another Tuesday… another TTT! Today’s topic: reading rewards. If you didn’t already know, I teach the best grade… er, I mean first grade 😉 So, as you may assume
If you’ve been keeping up with Teach Me Style over the last little bit then you may remember me writing about how I balance teaching, work, and just life
Well… for my school division, the countdown is officially on. We returned on Monday and the students join us on Thursday! So that means tomorrow is our LAST DAY to get
Well… if you haven’t clued in from the constant reminders on all your social channels, teachers (well most) are back to school today. Some are dreading it, some
If you’re a teacher and your school has air conditioning, consider yourself #blessed. My school, like most, doesn’t and it is a constant battle trying to figure out what
Today’s post is different than usual but is close to my heart. I was approached several months back by the Canadian Safe School Network to help roll out their
A few weekends ago I had the honour of being one of the royal princess’ of ceremony for The Little Princess Ball. When asked, I accepted without hesitation. Over
Adult coloring seems to be everywhere I turn these days. I see it on Instagram, Snapchat, at the local grocery store, at the over priced stationary store, even the
I often get e-mails/comments from new and current teachers asking me for style advice for the classroom. My reply is almost always the same…. try not to shop specifically
I’m a first and second grade teacher and lifestyle blogger! I originally created TMS as an outlet from teaching. I loved my career but felt I needed to feed my creative side... READ MORE
Holly Horvath
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