Book It! Reading Rewards

Another Tuesday… another TTT! Today’s topic: reading rewards. If you didn’t already know, I teach the best grade… er, I mean first grade 😉 So, as you may assume teaching students how to read is a HUGE part of my teaching!
Today’s post isn’t about how I teach students to read or what programs I like to use, instead I am talking about reading incentives. Every year my students are given a R.E.D folder (Read Every Day). This is the home reading program I use. In the front of the duotang there are strategies we are working on, ideas for comprehension questions, as well as their incentive chart. I love having prizes for my kids… learning to read is friggin’ hard and in my opinion they deserve it! The prizes are not given out as the students reach different reading levels, instead, they are rewarded a prize after every page they fill out (30 books). The more they read, the bigger the prizes get! The first is an eraser, then a pencil, then a pick from the prize bin, etc. The last one is always a special lunch with yours truly. The kids LOVE this! Most students don’t earn this until the Spring as you need to read a lot of books (180 to be exact) to earn this coveted reward 😉 Because the weather is usually warming up at this point, we often head outside for a picnic. I always provide a special treat.. the kids just think it is “totally groovy” -direct quote from a student last year.
This year, my VP registered our school for the Book It! program through Pizza Hut. The purpose of this program is to help children develop a lifelong love of reading – awesome, right?! The program runs from October 1st – March 31st. Teachers set monthly classroom goals. This can be whatever you choose…number of pages, number of minutes, how many books, etc! Any students that reach the goal set for the month can redeem one coupon per month at any Pizza Hut restaurant for the duration of the program! How fun?! Who doesn’t love PIZZA?!
I cannot wait to introduce this program to my students! We are starting to work on Daily 5 Read to Self very soon… perhaps reaching 2o minutes will be our first goal!
If you would like to learn more about the program or want to register your class check out their website here!
Happy Teaching y’all! Keep up the good work… you are amazing!
Omg, I totally did this Pizza Hut program as a kid when I was in school! Completely forgot about it until I read this post hahaha. (At first I wasn’t sure if it was the same one, but when I clicked the site link to check and saw “since 1984” I was like “YUP, this is the one!” Amazing!) Thank you so much for brining back great memories of reading and being rewarding with pizza!
— Jes <3
*oops typo: “rewarded” haha