Teacher Talk Tuesday: 5 Quick Tips For The First Day Of School

Well… for my school division, the countdown is officially on. We returned on Monday and the students join us on Thursday! So that means tomorrow is our LAST DAY to get everything organized, planned, cleaned, and ready before the monkeys (kids) come!!! I thought for my first Teacher Talk Tuesday I would share 5 tips to make your first day with your students go as smooth as it can. This is geared more towards first year teachers because let’s face it, that first day with your students as a first year teacher is scaryyyy!! With that, I will keep this short and sweet because I know you’re busy and have a bazillion things to do before they come!
5 tips to make your first day the best it can be!
1.) Have SHARPENED pencils. For gawd sakes have sharp pencils. This seems so obvious but I didn’t and it was not good. I’m actually sweating thinking about it… moving on.
2.) Make a plan for supplies. The monkeys come with an insane amount of supplies, which you will use however, it is crazy housing it all until it’s needed. Clear out some cupboard space, get some baskets, and empty some drawers because you’re going to need it. Here is how I deal with school supplies on the first day, reminder: I teach grade one. AS SOON as they arrive and are settled into their spots we get started. Trust me you’re going to want to do this, they are SO excited to show you their stuff, like SO excited… they start pulling stuff out immediately to show you, it’s crazy! SO, get them settled and start organizing. I play the “who has” game and disperse the items around the room, on counters, tables, in buckets, etc. (if you brought kleenex bring it to this table, etc) Try to make it as quick as you can, don’t worry about putting it away you can do that after school… lucky you!!
3.) Wear something comfortable!! Flats preferably. You NEVER know what that first day is going to bring. It is supposed to be hot on Thursday so I’m thinking a cute dress and some flat sandals but I’m not sure… follow me on Snapchat to see what I decide!
4.) Take pictures!! The day will go by SOO fast but try your best to take a photo of your students on the first day. They honestly grow so much over the year and it is so fun to look back at the end of the year and see how far they have come physically and obviously academically. Also, they are great for parent gifts on Mothers/Fathers day!
5.) GET A GOOD COFFEE. You’re going to need it. I suggest getting an iced coffee as you’re not going to have much time to drink it, this way it won’t get cold!
6.) *bonus- Okay, I know I said there were only 5 but I couldn’t forget this one. LAUGH. Have fun, breath, and know that you’re going to do an amazing job. Be confident in you. You are awesome!!!!
For those looking for more suggestions and tips for new teachers you can check out this post I did this time last year.
Good luck, my friends!
Stay tuned for more Teacher Talk Tuesdays! Please leave me a comment and let me know what you’d like to read on TTT (Teacher Talk Tuesdays!)
Torey Beerman
Holly, I love your new series!! Totally relatable for a 2nd grade teacher like myself over here 😉 I hope you have the best first day back! We’re definitely in full swing over here and it is TIRING. That coffee will do you good! Xoxo
Thanks so much, Torey!!! I am so looking forward to it… as you know, it is exciting and exhausting all at the same time!!!
I hope you’re having a fabulous year so far!!