Affordable Rompers!
Rompers, rompers, and more rompers! I feel like they’re everywhere this season, oh wait… they are!!! Floral, striped, causal, dressy, denim, strapless and the list goes on. I love a good romper, similar to a dress they are just so easy to wear. Slip it on, add some accessories and a shoe and you’re out the door!
Vintage Denim Shorts
I have to start by saying these shorts are probably my favourite piece of clothing that I’ve ever put on Teach Me Style. Wow, k that is a bold statement but it’s true. It would be an understatement to say I love these… I adore them! Perhaps it’s the fact that I have been wanting a pair of vintage Levi shorts for YEARS and never had any luck. They were either too big, too small, or the wash wasn’t great. But, a few days ago I noticed The Dress Form post these on their Instagram and I was lucky enough to get my hands on them… Best. Day. Ever.
Wedding Season
Well, it’s that time again! Wedding season is full swing! June weddings seem to be getting more and more popular and I’m not complaining!
Lululemon In The Workplace
If you’re a teacher and your school has air conditioning, consider yourself #blessed. My school, like most, doesn’t and it is a constant battle trying to figure out what to wear. There is the never ending issue with the dress code when the heat hits… finding shorts and dresses that are long enough and tops that are wider than two fingers. I recently acquired these Lululemon shorts and they have been my saving grace over the last two weeks. They pass the length test (they are originally meant to be worn as a high(er) waist short but by wearing them around your hips they meet the length requirement!), are super comfortable and also aren’t too casual… boom! They are not Lulu’s typical spandex material, instead they are a light weight, luxurious tencel. They come in two colors and lucky for you, they’re currently in the “we made too much section” of the website (they’re on sale)!
Beauty On A Budget
It’s no secret I love Sephora. In fact, I love it so much I black out and lose all self control… okay, not really but you get the point. I will say I love most of the things I buy however, my credit card statement is something I don’t love after visiting… you feel me?
Country Love Part 2
I don’t know if it’s the fact that I have a million plant babies to take care of (I planted my garden last weekend, go me!!) or that it’s June and my teaching to-do list is overflowing but this week has felt insanely busy for me and it’s only about to get busier!
Country Love
You can take the girl off the farm but you can’t take the farm out of the girl… well that’s the saying anyhow. For those that don’t know I grew up on a farm. My dad is quite a successful grain farmer- the only animals we had on our farm where our dogs and horses! Yes, I’m bragging…he has worked his tail off to get where he is today, and I’m damn proud of him!!
Clothing With Cause || UnderstandUs
There’s nothing better than your favourite tee… right? Well, turns out there is. T-shirts that help with a cause, that’s what’s better my friends!
Flex’n With Bey
To my American followers, I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and your Tuesday wasn’t too Monday-ish! A few weekends back we (Canadians) celebrated what we call May long. Technically we are celebrating the Queen’s (Victoria) birthday so what is more fitting than going to see Queen Bey herself… am I right?!