Well guys, today is the day. I have noticed this happen to other bloggers I follow and hadn’t experienced it yet but I guess today is the day. I have been staring at my keyboard/screen for the past 45 minutes and haven’t been able to come up with a single word. I could write a post about how much I LOVE this dress & I LOVE those shoes but perhaps that love feels so trivial with all the terrible things happening in our world right, both near and far. My heart is broken for the people in Nice. I simply don’t know what to say.
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Do’s & Don’ts
Well my friends, it’s that time of year again. The annual Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Also known as #Nsale as it is referred to on social media. Ohhhh just typing those words gets me jacked up, I mean seriously who doesn’t love a good sale?! This one in particular is one of my favorites. SO, what exactly is so special about this sale you may ask? Good question! This sale is unique because Nordstrom releases all of their brand-new Fall merchandise and it’s on sale… and I mean seriously on sale for for two weeks, July 14th-21st for Nordstrom Reward card holders and July 22nd to August 8th for non card holders to be exact, and then they return to full price.
If you’d like early access to the sale you can apply for the Nordstrom card here (Americans- Canadians, you will have to go to your local Nordsrom to get one)
Monday Blues
Welp, although today is most definitely not the first day of my summer vacation it almost feels as though it is. Canada Day long weekend is a holiday for most, and then last week I kept myself busy by taking a spontaneous road trip up to Edmonton to visit my family! We did some shopping, visiting, and a whole lot of eating. Today we woke up, had some breakie and then B left for work leaving me alone to do … who knows?! Man, I am NOT good at not being busy. Is it just me or does anyone else feel less productive when they have less on their plate?! I’m not complaining at all, but it really does feel strange not having a million things on the go today!
SeaWheeze Training Update
Will I ever start to enjoy running?! This is the question I keep asking myself. If I’m going to be honest, at this point I am really not enjoying this whole training for a half marathon thing. Truthfully, it started out quite well. I was running a quick 5-6 km every day after work. The temperatures were mild and the playlists were good. A few weeks, sore foot, old playlist, and side stich later, I’m starting to realize that running ain’t just rainbows and butterflies… those runners out there *slow clap* I applaud you.
Sleeveless Plaid
I don’t know if you guys have noticed but there has been a slight shift in my wardrobe. Every summer for about the first two weeks I live in jean shorts. I’m going to assume this is because for the month prior I dream of wearing what I want. I know I have mentioned this before, and you’re probably thinking, get over it already, but waking up every morning and choosing a school appropriate outfit, when it’s 30 degrees celsius, no AC, and 25 sweaty little kids in a room is not fun… okay, sorry for the lapse in complaining, I’m done now!
3 Tips For Choosing Sunglasses
Every summer I like to pick out a new pair of sunglasses that will be my “it” pair for the season. Typically, I will spend a little more money on at least one pair which almost always carry over from year to year, like these Ray-Ban Icon Aviators featured here, here, and here! I bought these two summers ago before our Europe trip and I still reach for them often.
Graphic Tee & Jean Shorts
Another school year down!!! I know I say this every year but I seriously cannot believe how fast the year flies by. Every June I am an emotional wreck. I’m insanely excited for summer vacation… 2 months off, heck yes!!
One of the most common questions I get when I tell people I work as a full time first grade teacher and blogger is “How do you find the time!?” or “WOW! You must be super busy!!” The truth is I am very busy. But to be honest, I have always been a mover and shaker so for me it’s all about balance and a few time management tricks. But if I’m reallyyy being honest, there are definitely days I feel very overwhelmed, a little anxious, and super tired… but hey, is it worth it? 100% !! Today, I will share with you how I have managed to balance things and what I do when I feel like I’m about to lose balance and fall flat on my face!