
Well guys, today is the day.  I have noticed this happen to other bloggers I follow and hadn’t experienced it yet but I guess today is the day.  I have been staring at my keyboard/screen for the past 45 minutes and haven’t been able to come up with a single word.  I could write a post about how much I LOVE this dress & I LOVE those shoes but perhaps that love feels so trivial with all the terrible things happening in our world right, both near and far.  My heart is broken for the people in Nice.  I simply don’t know what to say.

So today I’m sharing some photos that make me feel at peace, calm, and grounded.  On the way home from Edmonton last weekend B and I pulled over to take some photos in the blooming canola.  Growing up on the farm some of my favourite memories are piling into the farm truck and heading down the dirt roads to check crops.  My dad would test us asking what each crop was. I would almost always get it wrong and still do…I had to send him these pictures to ask what it was, canola or mustard?  After driving around we would almost always stop for a treat.  Ah, those were the days, when a simply vanilla ice cream cone with sprinkles would solve all the problems…

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I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. Thank you all for your continuous support. I love you all! Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can make the world of a difference.
In the words of Ellen, be kind to one another.