Hello Spring!

Happy first day of spring, guys! According to the calendar we have made it through the long, dreaded winter, although I have to say this was one of the nicest I can recall. With spring comes warm temperature and more time outdoors! One of my things is taking my little bear, Sunny for walks! He is so full of energy so when we mention going for a walk his ears instantly perk up and he is ready to go! We have been puppysitting this adorable little girl, Lilly, isn’t she a doll?! I want another puppy in the worst way but B says no… so having Lilly for a few weeks is super fun for me!
One of my favourite things about spring is saying goodbye to those bulky down filled parkas and heading outside in light jackets and sweatshirts. I have this 22Fresh sweatshirt in two colours and I basically live in them. The moment I get home from work I put on my leggings, slippers, and this sweater. You will also find me wearing this sweatshirt for an evening stroll to the park, and errands on the weekend- so basically all day er’day, it is just that comfortable!
Another one of my favourite ways to welcome spring is to fill our home with fresh flowers! What’s your favourite part about spring?!
What a great comfy cozy look!
xx Kathryn
Thanks Kathryn! It is sooo comfy!
Holly, your blog layout is so chic! Love the green color of your sweatshirt, so flattering!
Thanks for the kind words, Emma!
I’m so excited that it’s Spring and you must be too, with warmer temps and sunshine! Getting out in the afternoon (after a crazy school day) is always the best idea! I’m glad you can enjoy it with your pups and boyfriend 🙂
Girl! You have no idea how excited I am for spring… and let’s not even get me started on summer vacation!!!