As Dane’s second birthday approaches, I find myself reminiscing about his unforgettable first birthday and I cannot believe I haven’t shared the details! It was a picture-perfect June day,
Spring has (not quite) sprung, but we are getting there! This Shop Teach drop has the perfect transition pieces to get you through this awkward season! The drop goes
Cozy, classic, and comfortable are the three words I had in mind while curating this collection! December is a busy month full of all sorts of commitments so I
Another drop day done and dusted! We are finally starting to get the hang of this whole thing which feels so good! Another launch day without any major hiccups…phew.
As they say, times a charm! Yesterday was our third Shop Teach drop and it appears we have gotten through without any major hiccups! You bet your booty I
I’m a first and second grade teacher and lifestyle blogger! I originally created TMS as an outlet from teaching. I loved my career but felt I needed to feed my creative side... READ MORE
Holly Horvath
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