TTT: 100th Day Ideas

K, I say this every year but this year is flyinnggggg by. The 100th day of school is just around the corner for my division and it has me feeling excited and a little anxious, there’s still SO much for us to learn!!!
I’m not going to lie. I feel like I’m running on empty as I write this… report cards go home tomorrow and well, if you’re a teacher and you’re reading this I don’t need to explain. #exhausted
BUT, I couldn’t leave you all hanging here on a Tuesday without a TTT so I thought I would share some 100th day of school ideas with you!
Dress up like you’re 100 years old. Need I say more? ADORABLE!!! Here is a note you can send home to your parents!
100 Exercises for Phys. Ed – Have students pair up and complete the exercises… no prep #winning ! Here is a freebee!
100th Day Art Project- Enlarge the number 100 on a piece of paper for each student. Have the student cut the numbers out glue them onto the sheet and see what kind of picture they can create using the numbers. Click here to see an example. Scroll down to find several ideas!
100th Day Writing- There are SO many fun writing ideas you can do with your students. Here, here, and here are some fun FREE prompts!
Oldster Fun- Use the app Oldster or Make Me Old to find out what your students will look like when they’re 100!!
There are SO many activities and fun things to do for the 100th day! Follow me on Pinterest for even more ideas!
Happy Teaching!!