Well… if you haven’t clued in from the constant reminders on all your social channels, teachers (well most) are back to school today. Some are dreading it, some
Often when trends introduce themselves it takes me a while to warm up to them. For example, the come back of bell bottom jeans is something I have been
Happy first day of spring, guys! According to the calendar we have made it through the long, dreaded winter, although I have to say this was one of the
Graphic t’s have been a big part of my wardrobe this summer- they are casual, cute, and give your outfit that little bit of personality. Pair this shirt with
Yes, most days you will find me in heels and some kind of “dressy” outfit. But, as soon as I (like most humans) get home from work, I like
About Holly
I’m a first and second grade teacher and lifestyle blogger! I originally created TMS as an outlet from teaching. I loved my career but felt I needed to feed my creative side... READ MORE
Holly Horvath
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