Early Bird Gets The Worm #cybermonday
That’s right people, the early bird gets the worm! So, take a peek in your closet, decide what you need, or even better, who you’re buying for, set yourself a budget and get ready for what I consider the best shopping day of the year, Cyber Monday!
3 Ways to Style the Double Belt Buckle
The double belt buckle has been a major trend this fall and winter, and if you haven’t noticed I am loving mine from BRAVE leather. Like any new trend, it can feel a little strange styling something ‘new’, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll be. I’ve put together this post to give you a little inspo!
All Twerk & No Pray
I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that I was in Maui last month – sorry for over posting on all my social media accounts #sorrynotsorry. Anyways, if you paid any attention at all to my sharing, you would have seen me in my All Twerk & No Pray DO NOT DISTURB one piece bather, which is so friggin cute!!!
TTT: Remind
Communication is such an important part of my job. Communication with my students, admin, other teachers, and of course, the parents of my students. We, like most classes, have agendas that the students write in daily with short messages that go to a from school daily. I love this communication tool and will likely never get rid of it. I know it teaches my students many valuable organizational skills, helps them with their printing, and it holds them accountable.
Vacation Dress Love
Winter Style With Parajumpers
Winter… yes, I said it. Although it feels more like Spring, like it or not, old man winter will eventually show up howling outside our doors #woof. As a Canadian girl living in the prairies, I feel it is a necessity to have a good quality, warm, and fashionable winter jacket – hello, we live in them for nearly 6 months of the year!! Finding the perfect winter coat can be a daunting task. With so many brands, styles, colors, fabrics, etc, your choice is truly unlimited, it can be a tad overwhelming. One thing I know for sure, is that living in the middle of Canada you need a good quality coat… enter Parajumpers.
Rebecca King Fashion House Giveaway!
If you haven’t guessed from the title this is a GIVEAWAY!! Yay!! I LOVE hosting giveaways for you guys and I feel like it has been forever since I’ve done one.
Fall LBD
Fall Texture
TTT: Operation Christmas Child
Okay, some of you may think I’ve gone over the deep end when you realize this post is about Christmas… but before you lose your marbles and shout at your computer, “I just survived Halloween!!” hear me out.