TTT: 5 Ways To Combat Mid Winter Burnout

I’mmmm back!!! Well I’ve been back for a while, and frankly I never really took a break from TMS this holiday season but I DID take a break from Teacher Talk Tuesdays. I needed to completely turn off from work. And I did just that. I locked my door on the 23rd of December and returned when the kids did (well a few hours before they did) on the 5th. I stayed late and worked my tail off the week before the break simply so I would be able to take the full break to recharge. I strongly believe this is 100% necessary in the teaching profession, which leads me to this post:
5 Ways To Combat Mid Winter Burnout
1.) Leave your work at school. I used to be terrible at taking my work home with me. I always felt like I had something on my plate and never fully felt like I could relax. This is never a good idea. Try your best to get your work done at school, even if it means staying a bit later. Which leads me to my next point…
2.) Set limits (or alarms) for yourself. This is a new(ish) strategy that I have been trying and it seem to be working. After the students leave I take about 5 minutes to check my phone and then I set an alarm for whatever time I want to leave. Sometimes that might be 4:15, other days it’s 6:00. Regardless of the time, I know I’m on the clock and I hustle to get as much done as I can in that amount of time. As soon as my alarm goes off I finish what I’m doing, pack up, and I’m out the door. *Things that also help: music and putting your phone on silent!
3.) Find a buddy. This is an obvious one but having a friend at work makes everything better. I have THE BEST teaching partner of all time. I’m not joking, we are literally teaching soulmates and everyday I am thankful I have her next door. She keeps me organized and I calm her down. We know our strengths and we help each other constantly but most importantly we make each other laugh. Speaking of…
4.) Laugh. OMG, just laugh. Teaching can be the most frustrating job but one thing we are not lacking is comic relief. At any given time I can look around my classroom and find something to giggle at. So go ahead and laugh, it’s good for you!
5.) Let it go. Sometimes, well most of the time, we (teachers) are so focussed on sticking to our lesson plan or schedule even when it’s clearly not working. Don’t be afraid to let it go, put on Go Noodle – (not sure what that is? Check out this TTT) go outside and build a snowman, or teach the kids a new song. A 5 minute reset can do wonders for the kids and you!
Happy Teaching!!! I hope you’re all happy to be back in your classrooms after a wonderful winter break!
Love this post. Easy, helpful tips! I need to start setting an alarm after school. Great idea! Thanks!
Great! I’m glad you were able to get some ideas from this post- thanks for reading!