Winter Date Night Outfit

You guys. It is freaking freezinggggggg. This morning when I opened my weather app it said feels like -47 celsius which is about -52 Fahrenheit which really just means another indoor recess for the kids… ugh. Okay, I’m done complaining for now but if mother nature doesn’t turn this around real quick, it’s not going to pretty in my house… these indoor recesses are making me go insane!
Speaking of going crazy, a good cure to kick the winter blues is a date night! I know, you’re probably thinking what in the same hell do I wear when it’s sub zero temps?! Think in layers… I mean you’re not going to want to walk to your destination but this OOTN will keep you warm enough going between the car and your date night spot! Under the sweater I have a tank for extra warm and surprisingly the leather leggings are fairly warm as they are lined on the inside and cut the wind.
Date nights in the winter typically consist of a nice dinner and a few glasses of wine at our favourite local spots: Enso, The Creek in Cathedral Bistro, Flip and The Capitol!
Vest c/o Heartloom || Leggings || Bag c/o Brave || Sweater similar
YQR locals, where is your favourite date night spot?!