Teacher Talk Tuesday || Trina Markusson

Last week’s live was likely my favourite simply because of my guest Trina Markusson! Before I get into the live and how awesome Trina is, let me share a brief introduction taken from her website:
Trina Markusson has been practicing and studying stress reduction for over 15 years. Trina uses her life experiences and professional trainings in Mindful Teaching and Mindful-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to help you “be” present for each precious moment and help you to deal with daily stress more effectively! She has taught Mindfulness strategies to many people and looks forward to sharing these life-changing tools with you! She currently resides in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Having Trina join me last week was such an honour. The woman has the most calming demeanour. Simply being in her presence made me feel calm. The way she speaks, and her passion about spreading mindfulness is truly inspiring. During this live episode, Trina talks about how she began her mindfulness journey. She speaks about incorporating her mindful practices into her and her students’ daily lives and answers questions about how to incorporate mindfulness into the classroom! I strongly encourage you to take the time to watch the video even if you’re not a teacher. There are so many strategies that both adults and children can use to manage stress!
Having Trina in to speak as a guest on my Teacher Talk Tuesday was especially fitting as she is also a teacher. So, when she talks about incorporating mindfulness tools into your classroom, she really does know what she’s talking about. She is in the classrooms and understands what teaching is REALLY like. She has what some of us like to call, “street cred” 😉
On top of being a teacher, Trina hosts mindfulness sessions for people of all ages and walks of life. Classrooms, offices, and even sports teams. Trina feels living in the present moment should be a part of anyone’s life and I agree! Looking to get Trina in as a guest? Contact her here!
Last, I will be giving away one copy of Trina’s book Good Morning, Sunshine!
Here’s how to enter:
1.) Follow Trina on Instagram –> here
2.) Follow Trina on Facebook –>here
3.) Follow me on Instagram –> here
4.) Leave a comment on this blog post! Any comment will do, if you have a question for Trina I will make sure she answers it for you!
That’s it!
Winner will be announced next Tuesday! Thanks SO much for tuning in!!
Tracy Hannant
Would love a copy of the book to use with my students!! Thanks!!
Alyssa Roslinski
I am a becoming teacher at the University of Regina and this is a great resource and learning about mindfulness so early in my teaching journey is super helpful! Thanks so much for all of the great advice and information on managing stress and helping to prevent burnout! Would love a copy of the book!
McKaila Scharfenberg
I have tried some mindfulness activities in my classroom, but I would love the book for an extra resource! Thanks for sharing this video again!
Reading the book to my class for internship soon! I got the book last year during one of Trina’s visits to Jack Mack and it’s even signed ? Love it!!!
But I’d love to win one to gift to my cooperating teacher!
Thanks for the great TTT! Loved hearing from Trina, and I will definitely be looking into having her in my classroom!
I loved listening in last week. Love love love her book!
Loved this teacher talk Tuesday! Thank you so much for having Trina on!
Loved listening in last week! And love Trina’s book!
Megan Ludik
Entered! Would love to read this book with my 5 year old so we can practice mindfulness together!
Such an important post for everyone to learn more about mindfulness! Good job girl!
This was great! I’m interning in a grade 5 classroom where I am trying to incorporate mindfulness. I will definitely try and get her into my class! 🙂
Done 🙂
I’d love to have this book to share with my K/1 class!
Hi Holly! I am a first year teacher who teaches grades 1/2 in Regina! I am loving it so far but there have been a few struggles, not going to lie. If you have any tips or tricks for teaching this style of split grade please let me know! I loved your’s and Trina’s live video about the book. It would be a great resource to have in class especially for the little kiddos! Thank you 🙂
Followed! ? I would love to win! I tried getting the book at chapters and they are all sold out. My kiddos would love the sparkle jar, I just would love to own this book! ?
I’ve been doing the MindUp curriculum and Zones of Regulation with my class the past several years. However, they never had a good story to help put it into perspective for primary students. So excited to try this with my grade 1/2’s!
I am a first year teacher also teaching grade 1/2 in Regina. It has been a blast so far but there has been a few struggles. My class is a “busy” group so I am looking for strategies that I can use to bring mindfulness into the classroom. Trina’s book would be perfect because my kiddos LOVE books and it would give me strategies that would benefit my kiddos and myself. If you have any strategies or tips for teaching grade 1/2 I would appreciate it. 🙂
Would love this book for my girls. (Don’t have Facebook but follow you both on Instagram. Hope I can still qualify )
LOve this book. My students would enjoy having this in our classroom library
Teagan Schiltz
Done all 3! Would love to introduce mindfulness into my busy grade 3 classroom. This book sounds great!
Elisa Maria
Love this post! Thanks for sharing Tina and Holly! ?
I would love to use this book with my students.
Thank you for sharing this! I really enjoyed learning about mindfulness! I am in my pre-internship in Regina and see that this book will be handy for me!
Hi Holly and Trina!!
I watched the live, and it was super encouraging for me. Not just for how I can incorporate this positive mindset into my student’s daily lives, but in my own. I struggle with depression & anxiety and this live really helped put things into perspective on how to balance that, as well as being a teacher (intern). Thanks so much! Can’t wait to read the book!
This is so awesome!! It would be the perfect addition for my newborn’s growing library and teaching tool for this teacher mama 🙂
Done! Would love a copy of this book. Such amazing work both of you ladies do. Thank you!
Mindfulness is so important! Love it!
This is much appreciated as mindfulness is so important!