It’s been a minute since I posted a GNO inspired outfit! Perhaps it’s because I haven’t had girls night out in well, I can’t remember the last time… hmmm,
The leaves are beginning to turn, the nights are getting cooler, the PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) is once again available at Starbucks, and our lipstick shades are getting slightly
Well… if you haven’t clued in from the constant reminders on all your social channels, teachers (well most) are back to school today. Some are dreading it, some
Today I’m sharing a secret, a big secret…. I am friggin’ addicted to consignment store shopping. While in Portland I literally stumbled, (I tripped over my shoe lace as
Was it just me or did anyone else have a complex about their pants being too short when they were younger? Nothing stressed me out more than pulling out
Well I don’t know how tomorrow night is going to top tonight’s show… ahhh I just had such a blast!! Some of my favourite retailers showed tonight and I
I’m a first and second grade teacher and lifestyle blogger! I originally created TMS as an outlet from teaching. I loved my career but felt I needed to feed my creative side... READ MORE
Holly Horvath
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