The weather this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! Turns out if you complain enough, mother nature listens. With this warm weather I finally had the chance to get some
Oh myyyy the countdown is on… ten days until Rudolph takes flight, Mrs. Claus has the night all to herself, and the big guy plunges himself down our chimneys!
Well, it’s here! The most anticipated shopping day of the year… Black Friday! BF is the perfect time to get your Christmas shopping started. It’s also a great time
That’s right people, the early bird gets the worm! So, take a peek in your closet, decide what you need, or even better, who you’re buying for, set yourself
As the temps in most places begin to drop (we are still experiencing the warmest November that I can remember) it most likely has you dreaming of those hot
Well my friends, it’s that time of year again. The annual Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Also known as #Nsale as it is referred to on social media. Ohhhh just typing those
I’m a first and second grade teacher and lifestyle blogger! I originally created TMS as an outlet from teaching. I loved my career but felt I needed to feed my creative side... READ MORE
Holly Horvath
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