My Secret To Breaking In Shoes
This season we are seeing tons of gorgeous accent shoes… lace ups, gladiators, fringe, and the list goes on. Gorgeous but oh my lanta, at times, especially when they’re new, they HURT! Anyone who tells you they’re comfortable from the get-go is lying. They have put in some time, tears, and a few secrets to making those shoes “comfortable”. Well, lucky for you I am all about sharing secrets, well these kind anyways, so listen up ladies.
Cade Instagram Takeover!
Well, what a weekend for TMS!!! I’m sure by now you all know Teach Me Style turned one on Saturday! It was such a fun an exciting day for many reasons but mainly because I got to share my biggest giveaway yet, a $1000 shopping spree to my favourite local boutique AND online store, Cade Style Lounge!!! (Eeeeek!!! That’s like a whole new spring wardrobe!!) If you’ve been following me for a while you’ve probably heard about Cade, I shop there quite frequently and post about them a lot! If you haven’t heard of the store, I highly recommend you read this post where I talk about why I love shopping at the boutique so much. Yes, I love the clothes, but the overall experience is what really keeps me going back for more!
Teach Me Style Turns One!
Holy guacamole!! One year ago today I was completely terrified pressing publish on my first ever blog post, I actually can’t believe it has been 365 days…. crazy! First, I can’t believe how fast it went, at this rate I’ll blink and be 65, ahhh! Second, the amount of support and opportunities I have been given in such a short time has been humbling and I will be forever grateful for those who took a chance on a newbie!
Floral & Fringe
So, the other day I decided to tackle our dreaded spare bedroom. This is the space in our home where everything that doesn’t have a spot goes…Don’t judge me, everyone has one of these don’t they? Okay, if not a room for sure a drawer… Anyways, in the midst of organizing the disastrous room I found this blouse crumpled up in an old travel bag, best surprise ever!! This blouse is old… like 7 years old, but I still love it!
Coachella Inspired Choker Necklace DIY
So… if you haven’t noticed Coachella has arrived!! I don’t know about you, but between the excessive amounts of Instagram posts and snaps (how amazing is the flower crown filter?!) I had a pretty big case of FOMO this weekend. I figure this is the perfect time to share my little DIY for this adorable Coachella inspired choker!
Little Princess Ball
A few weekends ago I had the honour of being one of the royal princess’ of ceremony for The Little Princess Ball. When asked, I accepted without hesitation. Over 200 little girls dressed like princesses and a charity for the children’s ward at the Moose Jaw Hospital, it was a no brainer! It was such an honor to speak about what I believe being a real princess is all about.
Spring Confusion
I feel like Spring is one of the hardest times of the year to dress for. Yesterday, for example, when driving to my parents’ farm, one hour away, we drove through rain, snow, sunshine, and tornado style winds… seriously?!
Closet Remix: Edition Two
I picked up this dress from Zara in Paris two summers ago and it has to be one of my all time favourite dresses. It is SO comfortable and is just so elegant. The low(ish) back and the pleated skirt makes me feel so classy. Walking to dinner through the streets of Paris made me feel like I could take on the world… instead I took down the most amazing Creme Brule, ever. Meh, tomato, tomoto…
Spring Wardrobe Obsessions
Every season I have a few key items that I reach for an embarrassing amount. This past winter it was my black ripped at the knee denim, All Saints booties, Rails denim shirt, and of course, my Canada Goose parka…the last one was not particularly by choice but more as a necessity.