Life Update!

Where to even start…
So many things have changed over the last 3 months and I have been wanting to share it all with you but I also needed time to process it all myself first. You guys are always so supportive and excited for me and I appreciate it so much- but I will admit, it’s hard to be vulnerable while you’re in the thick of it.
So, let’s get to the question I know many of you are dying to ask “are you moving to Australia to be with #AB?!” and the answer is no… I am most definitely not. Aussie Boy and I are no longer together for a long list of reasons. Trust me when I say I would LOVE to spill the tea on the situation but I am classy AF. I try to only use my platform in a positive way. Instead I will share the life lesson he taught me: The red flags were literally slapping me in my face and I turned my eye. I suppressed that tiny voice in my head and that feeling in my gut… not cool, Holl, not cool. I can sit here and sulk in the fact that I f’ed up or I can grow up, put my big girl panties on, and look for the why. Trust me when I say it took me quite some time to find that why, but here is the conclusion I’ve come to: #AB was simply the universe giving me a refresher course on listening to my intuition. Typically I am SO good at listening to my gut. I honestly used to pride myself on it. I talk to my students about that feeling in their tummy and how they should listen to it and never ignore it…I ignored it. I’ll never know why I did, but I can look back at the situation and say I learned so much about myself and say that I am stronger because of it. *sigh- another one bites the dust LOL
SOOO now that the question is out of the way we can get to the real life update!!
I am nervous, excited, f’ing terrified to say that I am taking a leave from teaching!!!! (EEEEK) I seriously can’t believe I’m writing this. I can whole heartedly say that I LOVE teaching and it is a huge part of my identity. It will always be a part of my life in some way or another. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve cried today, let alone this week. I am an emotional wreck but that gut feeling, you know that one I promised I would always listen to? Well, it’s telling me to take that leap. The leap into the unknown. I don’t have a real plan for the next year and I am finally starting to be at peace with that. I am a big picture girl and I’ve always had a plan. I graduated high school, went straight to university, got a full time teaching position, bought a house with my ex, and thought I would settle down, HA! I’m so funny. Now at 31 I’m mortgage free, single, and I feel like my life is just about to start…
This year I plan to say YES to as much as I possibly can! A big focus of mine will be on growing Teach Me Style. Balancing a full time teaching career and a blog is hard… not impossible, but hard. I’ve had to say no to many opportunities that have come my way simply because of time and dates. Now teachers, don’t worry, ironically I have big plans to share even more teaching content than I did before. It was just too overwhelming to share it all while I was teaching. I was just so busy trying to teach that I didn’t have the time to share! Now instead of teaching I can SHARE my lessons, resources, and ideas with you! I am SO excited about this!
I also want to travel during non peak season (teachers, be jealous LOL), possibly move to another city, travel some more, maybe substitute teach if I run out of money LOL, go on some dates, and collect memories I will look back on and think f#kc ya!
There you have it, a little life update with Holl! Thanks again for the continued love, support, and encouragement, you guys are seriously the best!
Stay tuned… the best is yet to come!
PS. For anyone who’s curious, in Regina Public School Division, after 7 or more years of teaching on a permanent contract, you can apply for a one year unpaid leave. You are still covered under your medical benefits, you can buy back your pension (this is an important one!) and if at any point I want to return to teaching, all I need to do is give four weeks notice and I am guaranteed a full time position. You can read more about it in the STF LINC agreement.
Congrats!! It will be an amazing year for you! ✨
Wow! You are so bold and courageous for taking a leap of faith and pursuing your passion. With your ambition and kind heart, nothing can stop you. I cannot wait to see what you do next.
Thank you babe! Miss you!!
Yeah girl! You’re so brave and this will be so worth it. Enjoy, the world is your oyster! Xo
Thank you so much, Ellie!!!
So awesome that you are going to be following your heart this next year! I am a teacher as well and it can be exhausting sometimes. Can’t wait to see where this adventure takes you!
Thanks for your kind words, Kristine!
Wow!! Good for you Holly! Enjoy this year of freedom & who knows what it will bring! Following your gut/intuition with this decision is a good thing!! And Aussie boy was a lesson & a bit of fun too I am sure!! Half my family live in Aussieland, & boy do they drink!!’ Not sure if that was what you encountered too! Anyway, love following you, my daughter & hubby (& a sister & brother) are Teachers too (I am a nurse)! Enjoy the summer & then maybe a move to TO? Or Vancouver? Take care!
Hi Suzy!
Yes!! I cannot wait to discover what a year of freedom will bring… so far it has been fun and it’s only been a week, haha!
Aussie’s sure do love to drink but then again so do Canadians, haha!
Thanks so much for the sweet and encouraging words!
Amazing!! You should come give Vancouver a go 🙂
So many amazing things girl – I got butterflies for you when I read this. You’re right – nothing big comes from staying inside your comfort zone. I will always be your biggest cheerleader and I’m so proud of you!
I am SO excited for you!
I can definitely related to your AB story, as I am in the midst of my own VG (Vegas Guy) saga, and what a saga it has been. Thank you for giving me the insight about the lesson to be learned. I, too, an an intuition girl, and ignored it…will try not to do that again #the Spideysenseisreal.
Good luck on n your journey. I know you’ll kick ass!
I’m so sorry you have a similar story but it must have meant something! It’s all a part of your story!
Thanks for the kind words!
Your support and encouragement means the world to me, T.
Love you!
Love you babe!!!
Super exciting! Looking forward to watching your grow through your journey and following along. Wishing you the best on your new adventure!….. And f**k aussie boy, onwards and upwards!
Hahaha thank you!!!! Onward and upward is right!
So cool, you go girl!
Thank you!!!!
This is amazing! I totally needed this inspiration today, so thank you! And I hope you have the best time stepping into the unknown – it will be such a great experience!!
Thank you so much! I’m glad you found this on a day you needed it!
So exciting! You are going to grow so much over the next year ❤️ You got this girl
Thanks babe!
Congratulations, Holly, for having the courage to take this step! A year from now you will be treasuring the memories of your adventure with no regrets and will have continued on exploring who you aren’t becoming! You’re a wonderful, vibrant young lady who deserves nothing but the best! I wish well, Holly!
Hi Rena!!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this the Rena I used to teach with?! If so…Hello, I miss you!
And, if not, it’s nice to e-meet you! Thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement. I am so excited and a little nervous… the best is yet to come!
Damn those autofills@#$&$$@! I definitely meant the fabulous woman you ARE becoming!!!
As a recent follower I have been loving your fashion and writing style. I think this is a wonderful step you are taking now. You will always be a teacher but to do this for you is so important. You are going to have an amazing year with so many adventures and memories to cherish for the rest of your life. You go girl!! Have fun and enjoy every moment along the way.
Thank you so much, Trisha!! Welcome- I’m so glad we’ve connected 🙂
Wow congrats Holly that is soo amazing! I have been wanting to make a career change, go back to school & I have been soo hesitant (due to age, being comfortable at my job) but I think I may take another look at it. I love following you & cant wait to read about more of your adventures!! All the best!!
Hi Ang! We have ALL felt this way! Trust me when I say I am terrified to leave my full time, well paid, teaching position for the unknown! But, I can feel in my gut this is the right thing to do for me. I am nervous but excited and I think that is a beautiful combination!
Listen to your heart (and gut) but lead with your brain. You got this!