My Favourite Recipes From Chrissy Teagan’s Cookbooks!

I can say without a doubt that the Cravings and Cravings Hungry For More by Chrissy Teigen are by far my favourite cookbooks. If you want to know why I love them so much you can check out this post here from a few years ago. I’ve shared my love for these books many times on my IG stories and each time I have had a few people reach out to ask if I would share my favourite recipes from the books. What a great idea, why didn’t I think of that!
So here we go.. a list of my favourite recipes (that I have actually tried!) in no particular order:
*warning- there’s a lot but I’m telling you they are all so good!
Rotochick Chicken Noodle Soup Pg.44 –> The ingredients are all pretty basic but for some reason it’s better than any other chicken noodle soup I’ve ever made. Perhaps it’s the fresh thyme? Either way, it’s perfect for a cold winter day or for when your family has been struck with the plague.
Roasted Cauliflower, Feta, and Orzo Salad Pg. 63 –> I don’t usually like to pick favourites but if I had a gun to my head and had to choose my favourite, this would be it. I absolutely LOVE roasted cauliflower and so when I saw this salad I knew I had to try it. It’s AMAZING. The only change I make is I added roasted pine nuts and I must say it makes it even better… I’m not gonna lie, I feel pretty proud of myself that I thought of adding them and Chrissy didn’t #gome!
Siracha Caesar Salad Pg. 64 –> I love spicy food and caesar salad so this recipe is a match made in heaven! Also, I would have never thought to put tomatoes in caesar salad but it is actually so delicious.
Sweet & Salty Coconut Rice Pg. 83–> This reminds me of the bed of rice that the chilli chicken comes on when you order it at Earls, only better… sorry, Earl… Chrissy wins this time!
Pepper’s Scalloped Potatoes Pg. 94–> These bad boys have an entire stick of butter in them, need I say more?! *disclaimer…. I never said this recipe book was healthy.
Creamy Potato Salad With Bacon Pg. 97–> This salad has a full jalapeno in it… yup, I’m in! But don’t let that scare you if you don’t like spicy food… there are no seeds so it’s really not that spicy, it just adds great flavour. Also, if you’re really not into spice at all, I imagine it would be great without it, too!
Chicken Lettuce Wraps Pg. 140–> At one point in my life I lived in Edmonton and during my time there I spent A LOT of time on the patio at Joey’s crushing super nova vodka soda’s and their lettuce wraps. They were my absolute favourite and when I moved back to YQR permanently, the lettuce wraps were what I missed the most, LOL! All is well now because I swear these are even better. It’s the sauce, it is so freaking good I could drink it! I know I said the cauliflower salad was my favourite but now I’m second guessing that choice… these are SOOOO good!!!
Fritto Pie Bar Pg. 148 –> I haven’t personally made this but my friend Tara did for our weekly lunch club and it was awesome and perfect for just that. I’m not sure I would whip this up for myself for dinner but it would be great for a casual backyard party or weekly lunch club like Tara did. Tara is awesome… be a Tara.
Spicy Cajun Sausage, Peppers, and Cabbage Pg. 205–> This was my #1 from this cookbook for a long time and to be honest I kind of overdid it, lol. I seriously have probably made it 25 times… so I am currently sick of it, but since I made it 25 times you can imagine how good it is.
Skillet-Charred Fish Tacos Pg. 209–> Taco’s are always good- but fish tacos are just next level. I have a hard time cooking fish… it always ends up super dry or just flavourless. Making these tacos marked the first time I cooked fish and actually enjoyed it. I’d say that was a win.
Chipotle-Honey Chicken With Mango- Avocado Salad–> This was one of the first dishes I made. It is super delicious but I do remember it being a bit of work to make. I would say save this one for a dinner party where you want to woo your guests. Woo-ing your guests would make it worth the work.
Wow- apparently I like a lot from the first cookbook – I told you it was worth it! Ok, time for part 2:
Cravings Hungry For More
Crispy Potato Smashies Pg. 116–> Delicious little twist on the regular old baby potatoes. I can’t wait to try these with baby GARDEN potatoes! Also, she doesn’t mention it, but you for surely need to dip these in sour cream #nextlevel
Spicy Honey-Butter Carrot Coins Pg. 133 –> Your kids hate carrots? Try this recipe with a whopping 5 ingredients (carrots included in that count) it really does transform your carrots.
Kung Pao Roasted Broccoli Pg. 141–> My mouth is watering just thinking about this recipe. Once again, the sauce is just sooo good. This partners really well with the Sweet & Salty coconut rice from the original Cravings cookbook.
Garlicky Cauliflower “Rice” Pg. 142–> I wouldn’t suggest eating this before a date because holy garlic but if you love garlic like I do, then this is for you!
Grilled Portobellos with Chimichurri Pg. 221–> Easily the best portobello mushrooms I have ever had. Have a vegan friend? Invite them over and make this!!
Spicy Jammy Drummies Pg. 232–> Spicy, sticky, garlicky goodness… my favourite recipe from this book!!! It is the first one I made and it is a show stopper… 15 CLOVES OF GARLIC, LOL I mean come on!!!
Twitter’s (and Uncle Mike’s) Banana Bread Pg. 236–> A few random/ secret ingredients and Chrissy wins. I have tried many of banana bread recipes and this one is the best.
There ya have it! No, Chrissy didn’t pay me to write about this… frick, wouldn’t that be sweet though!? I just really love to cook good food with ingredients I can pronounce, and these cookbooks have recipes that allow me to do just that! If you don’t have these cookbooks, and want them after reading this you can purchase them by clicking the pictures below!