Dane’s First Hair Cut, Shepherd’s Pie and Outfit Links!

It’s 11:30 am on Sunday and typically I like this to go out at 9am so that should give you an indication on how this week went. Between the first Shop Teach drop since Halo, pre orders and the a few campaigns I’m working on for Teach Me Style, it has been a packed work week… not complaining, work is good, this mat leave money needs the work… iykyk!
On Thursday we filmed something that is so close to our hearts that we will share with everyone in the beginning of June. I hate to be annoying and leave out so many details but we aren’t allowed to share just yet. It is such a special project that is close to our hearts and let me tell you we were EXHAUSTED after it, my goodness. I am working on a few other fun campaigns that I am excited to share with you in the next few weeks as well so stay tuned for those! Our favourite place to go when we’ve had a busy week is my parents farm aka the farm. There is something so special about it, as soon as Lee and I pull in we feel we can instantly relax, we are so lucky to have such a special place only an hour away. We went out there on Friday and came back yesterday because Lee is super busy with work. When we were packing up Dane made it quite clear he was not ready to come home so Gigi and Papa agreed to have him one more night… how are we at this age already!? We asked him repeatedly if he wanted to come home with us or stay and he without hesitation begged to stay. He is growing up sooo fast and speaking of growing up too fast, Dane got his first haircut! He almost made it to his third birthday before his first cut! It was pretty uneventful because we just trimmed his bangs lol I couldn’t get rid of his baby curls just yet. His Auntie Marlo did it for him and he did so well! The smileson their faces say it all, what a special bonding experience for these two!
What I Cooked:
Like I mentioned, it was a busy week so I took advantage of a few meals I had frozen. A few weeks ago I made this shepherd’s pie and doubled the filling then froze it so I would have it on hand for a quick meal another day. Don’t you just love when you’re organized and do shit like this? Little pat on the back for moi! I pulled out the frozen filling and then topped it off with the instant potatoes that you buy at Costco. Listen, do we eat these all the time? No, but when in a pinch, they are great! I literally pulled out the filling in the am so it thawed through the day and then put it into a pan, took 3 minutes to make the potatoes and put it in the oven. Homemade shepherd’s pie in less than 20 minutes. Try this hack and thank me later! I actually do this quite often, if you’re making the mess double the recipe and freeze for another day!
What I’m Loving:
Joe Fresh! I have said this before but I’m here to say it again! Joe Fresh is killing it this season. I have now placed TWO Joe Fresh orders and I am SO happy with everything I got. I can’t always say that… I go through phases with them. Sometimes I love their stuff and others I am just not into it. Here are a few things I ordered for myself and the kids and are loving!
What I Wore:

Sweater is from Shop Teach! I am wearing a size small!
Tank is Shop Teach and I am wearing size small! This tank is slightly oversized but more so I relaxed fit if that makes sense!

I am wearing size 26 in the jeans, I normally wear a 26/27, and a size 7.5 in the shoes! This exact lace top is from Urban Outfitters and its no longer available but I linked the Amazon one that I have in brown, it’s more affordable and actually like even better.
I think that’s all for now!
Sorry this one is a bit late- chat next week!