A Feel Good Friday With Chatters

If you follow along with my daily Insta stories you may remember last Friday was quite the day, lol! It started like any other day- coffee, morning routine, and then off to school for a full day of teaching. However, it was a little different than a typical day at school. Chatters invited me to visit their #stylehappy van and lucky for me I don’t do lunch room supervision on Friday’s (I do it every other day and let me tell you I CHERISH my Friday lunches! LOL- I love my kids but sometimes a little space is nice… ) so I jumped at the opportunity! A little Friday noon pampering for this tired June teacher?! Um YES puleasseeee!!
I rolled up to the #stylehappy van and just looking at it put me in a good mood! They’ve wrapped it in cotton candy colors, and completely turned the van into a salon-on-the go customized with all the tools these talented ladies need to make anyone’s day just a little brighter…for FREE- how awesome is that?! Because I was in quite a rush I choose a braid from their quick menu but since we had a little extra time they added a little curl for me.
Just like that I was in and out and feeling like a million bucks! As I darted into my classroom just in time to catch the bell. I was greeted by my students oh’ing and ah’ing over my new do… one even told me I looked like an angel, lol!!!
HOW fun?!
Follow along with their adventures with the #StyleHappyTour and @chattershairsalon
The Chatters team is still making their way across Canada so catch them if you can! They will be stopping in Toronto (June 23 & 24th), London (June 26th) and Ottawa (June 28th and 29th).
Special thanks to Chatters for partnering with me on this post!