Spring is here and so is Saskatchewan Fashion Week

One of the first things that comes to mind when I think of Spring is Saskatchewan Fashion Week. You know, kind of like when you think of Winter the first thing you think of is Christmas?! Yes… I am comparing SFW to Christmas, I like it that much! Sask Fashion week is on May 11th-13th, tickets are now on sale and you should probably hurry because they always go fast! Weekend passes are already sold out but individual night and VIP tickets are still available, you can purchase them here!
Carrie Bradshaw once said, every spring the women of New York leave the foolish choices of their past behind and look forward to the future… this is known as Fashion Week. Here in Saskatchewan it’s very similar. However, instead of leaving our foolish choices behind we leave our parkas, boots, balaclavas behind… To some those may be considered foolish fashion choices, to us they’re necessary #saskyliving
My personal favourite part of Sask Fashion Week is definitely the runway show but there is so much more to the weekend! After parties, which are open to the public, and of course, the designer pop-up shop which is sure to make a healthy dent in your wallet. The designer pop-up shop is where I purchased my Rebecca King sweater so many of you ask about- it was Sask Fashion Week who first introduced me to the talented designer.
Will I be seeing you at SKFW 2017?! The countdown is on!