DIY Flocked CHristmas Tree

I have been wanting a flocked Christmas tree for years now but I refused to spend the cash on one. They are SO expensive and I just did not want to spend that kind of money. Also, I have a beautiful tree that I love, I just wanted it to be flocked. So, after many hours of research (AKA searching Google, YouTube & Pinterest) I finally felt confident enough to do it!
As promised I filmed a tutorial. If you’re wanting a flocked Christmas tree, I encourage you to save some money and do it yourself!
Here’s what you’ll need:
-approximately 20 cans of snow spray. I got mine from the Dollarama. My tree is 7.5 feet tall and 144.8 cm (57 in.) diameter in diameter. The amount of snow spray you will need will depend on the size of your tree.
– 1 can of Chalked proactive topcoat (matte clear). I got mine from Canadian Tire.
– 1 can of Snow Neige Spray (optional). I got this from Canadian Tire.
– one old sheet
This process cost me under $60, again this will depend on the size of your tree! The drying time was minimal, the spray basically dries instantly, and it took me under 2 hours!
I hope you find this helpful! Please let me know if you have any questions! Also, tag me if you decide to do your own tree, I would love to see it!
Chantel Lugossy
Where did you get the wooden spoon from? So far I’ve looked at Dollorama and Michaels.
Hey! I linked where I got them the blog post!
Kayla Jelinski
How well did your tree store? Just curious if each year it may need a bit of touch ups!
Hey! I haven’t got it out of storage yet but when I do I will post a story on my IG.