‘Tis the season for cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice everything, scarves, boots, and colds. Yes that’s right, colds. Ugh, I only say that because I’m writing this in between sips
Peeling off the plastic, sliding on that crisp new case, pushing the fresh new home button, seeing the apple light up on the screen for the first time… ah,
You all KNOW I’m a sucker when it comes to supporting Canadian boutiques. Supporting local is something that just feels good! Knowing that I’m helping someone else live out
One of my favourite things about the holidays is spreading a little Christmas cheer! Whether that means tipping the gas attendant a little extra when he/she is pumping my
Well I don’t know how tomorrow night is going to top tonight’s show… ahhh I just had such a blast!! Some of my favourite retailers showed tonight and I
As promised, here is the second half of my Cade Instagram round up post and in good timing because TOMORROW (Saturday) is the LAST day to enter the $1000
Thank you SO much for following along as I took over the @cadestylelounge instagram account this week! It was such a pleasure to create these looks from their gorgeous
I’m a first and second grade teacher and lifestyle blogger! I originally created TMS as an outlet from teaching. I loved my career but felt I needed to feed my creative side... READ MORE
Holly Horvath
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