Monthly Must – Haves

June… JUNE!! I can’t believe we are in the last month of the year! Okay, I know it’s not actually, but as a teacher, I consider a year from September to June. This month will be crazy with report cards, field trips, and all the fun stuff that goes along with year end but I am more than ready for summer break!
I have decided to start doing “Monthly Must-Haves.” These are items my gf’s and I can’t get enough of. You know, those group chats that get out of control? Well, turns out there is some good that come from mine. My babes are seriously amazing at sharing their favorite products and latest obsessions… soooo here they are!
Make Up Case – This little beauty caught my eye as I was leaving Sephora the other day. Seriously the cutest. Not too big, not too small… perfect travel size. Also ironic because the mascara I rave about below is not designer…
Cross Ring– Last week while watching the Bachelorette with my girlfriends, I could hardly pay attention to the show I was too busy ooing and awing over Kaitlyn’s ring! My babe Nicole was sooo sweet and went to Le Chateau, bought me a look alike and gave it to me tonight right before we started watching! The original is like $800.00 but I love the replica she got me even more… so thoughtful! xoxo
Too Faced Sun Bunny Bronzer – I have tried what feels like billions of bronzers and this is by far my favorite. It has two sides; one has a little sheen but is NOT sparkly. There are slight pink undertones which gives you that natural looking tan. Simply put, it’s the bomb.
Smashbox O-GLOSS – I have tried many of these intuitive lip glosses and this is by far my favorite. It isn’t sticky, goes on smooth, and turns to a really pretty pink. I love lipstick as much as anyone, but as a teacher I just don’t have time to reapply and fuss with it. This lip gloss is great to keep in your purse and reapply whenever you have a spare second… I know, they are few and far between.
GLAMGLOW Supermud Clearing Treatment: I don’t know if it’s the change in season or what but my skin has been a little crazy lately. I was desperate to find a deep cleaning mask so I turned to my friend Dawna, who told me about GLAMGLOW and I am hooked!! I have only used it a few times and I have already noticed a difference. It helps with blemishes, redness, black & white heads, and discoloration. The best part is it doesn’t dry your skin out! It is on the pricy side but worth the splurge!
Maybelline Lash Sensation: Okay… If I was stranded on an island and I could only have one piece of make up, mascara would be it. I LOVE long, voluminous, thick, curled, lashes. I have tried all sorts of fancy mascara’s and this is by far my absolute favorite. It is layer-able, doesn’t flake or clump, separates, and elongates the lashes… $4.99 and it is perfection.
Sigma Essential Kit – Make Me: There are so many different brush sets on this website, many of which I found overwhelming. The Make Me kit has the basics with just a few extras. The brushes are a super soft synthetic material. My favorite is for sure the long handled Kabuki brush. Bonus… they come in super cute colors!
Peonies: There is nothing as beautiful as a huge bouquet of fresh peonies on the table in the Spring. They are not in season long my friends, so enjoy them while you can!
Tell me your beauty secrets… what are your must haves!?