DIY Gift Ideas: Bath Salts

There is something a little extra special about getting a gift that someone actually took the time to make, so this year I wanted to share a few DIY gift ideas with ya’ll. Now, don’t worry these are SUPER easy I promise. NO hot glue guns, glitter, or big mess! This DIY is easy, takes about 20 minutes once you have all the ingredients, and something the person will actually use and enjoy!
Everyone is so busy, especially around the holiday season so I wanted to make gifts that would promote relaxation and self care: bath salts! I am so happy with how they turned out. Not only do they look beautiful, they smell even better! I had a bit left over and so I obviously had to try them myself… they are perfection!

What You’ll Need:
– jars of your choice. I grabbed these from Wal-Mart but don’t be afraid to use what you already have
-wooden spoons- (click her to order)I got mine from Winners, they came with a spice blend that I bought BUT these are very cute and are about the same size! Know these are optional. I am not giving spoons out with the salts, I just wanted them for stying the photo! I also found these which are very similar to the ones I used for the scrub!
– greenery of your choice (optional) – got my bunch from Costco
– tags – I ended up cutting these down in size
– twine
– 2.5 cups of epsom salts (I used extra fine) -I got mine from London Drugs
-1/3 cup of pink sea salt (medium) -I got mine from Wal Mart
– 1/3 cup of pink sea salt (course) – I got mine from Winners but you can also get these at any grocery store!
– 2 TBSP dried lavender – I got mine from Wascana Flower Shoppe!
-1 TBSP any other small dried flowers (optional) (Wascana Flower Shoppe)
– 2o drops of Saje Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
– 20 drops of Saje Lavender High Grade Essential Oil
1.) Add the salts, flowers, and essential oils to a glass bowl. Mix thoroughly.
2.) Pour salt mixture into glass jars.
3.) Put on the lid and decorate! Wrap twine, add the spoon, greenery, and the tag!

So, will you be tackling a few DIY gifts this year? I have another idea that is super easy coming your way very soon, stay tuned for more!

Special thanks to Wascana Flower Shoppe & Saje for partnering with me on this post!