Spring Confusion

I feel like Spring is one of the hardest times of the year to dress for. Yesterday, for example, when driving to my parents’ farm, one hour away, we drove through rain, snow, sunshine, and tornado style winds… seriously?!
Another big issue I face when getting dressed in the morning is how the temperatures change drastically throughout the day. I do the 8:30am outdoor supervision before the kids begin school (tip for new teachers: this is the BEST one to do, typically only about three quarters of the kids are there and they’re all still somewhat sleepy so the behaviour/tattling issues are minimal 😉 ) With the freezing temperatures in the am and sunny warm weather after school it’s nearly impossible to know what to wear. Let me tell you, the looks I get after school wearing my parka to the grocery store when the sun is beating down… a girl just can’t win.
Enter the Cara sweater by my all time favourite fashion blogger, Sincerely Jules. This sweater has been a life saver over the last few weeks! This cozy short sleeved sweater is perfectly confused just like the weather… and I LOVE it!
Isn’t this purse just the cutest?! I got it a few weeks ago at a local Second Hand Social held here in Regina. It’s vintage and I LOVE it!
Sweater || Jeans || Shoes || Sunglasses (similar)
What’s your favourite garment to get you through Spring and its’ crazy weather!?
I’m melting over your fringe heels! So cute!!
xx Kathryn
Thanks, Kathryn! They are on sale… you might just have to grab yourself a pair!
Ugh, I feel you ! It is nuts here too at the moment (Toronto) snowed the other day and this weekend it’s supposed to be like 20 degrees ! What the heck is going on lol ! I love that sweater though, perfect for the unpredictable weather and your shoes are SO PRETTY ! Love the grey <3
Thanks Jessica!! I have heard Toronto is having weird weather as well, it is so hard to know what to wear!!! Ps. the shoes are on sale, you definitely need them!
Very comfy and stylish look! beautiful!
Thanks, Rachel!!
Hayley Larue
Fringe heels are my fav!! Love the color of these <3
Thanks, Hayley! You will be seeing more of them… I have been wearing them non-stop!