Tropical Print

Often when trends introduce themselves it takes me a while to warm up to them. For example, the come back of bell bottom jeans is something I have been trying to get into for over a year now and to be honest, I’m just not sure I ever will. I like it, but as far as loving it goes, I’m just not sure I can commit to that level.
The tropical trend print on the other hand, is one that has taken zero convincing. From day one I have been on board, perhaps it’s because it’s so similar to floral and ya’ll know I loveee my floral prints. This Chaser Brand tank is perfect to throw on in the summer without having to think which in my mind are the best kind!
What’s your favourite thing to just throw on when you’re too lazy to think of an outfit but still want to be cute!?
Deasy Noel
That’s a cute top. I tend to wear a sweater and skinny jeans when I want something to quickly put on and is comfy. Unless that is, we’re in the middle of summer and it’s over 100 degrees. Then, I panic. Haha.
Haha! Cute… I feel the same way but when it’s minus 40… I panic and put on 25 layers lol
I’m totally with you! Tropical prints – no need to pull my arm. Bell Bottoms? Please. I am so addicting to my skinny jeans, I don’t think I could ever go back to the bell bottoms of 7th grade 😉
-Clarissa @ The View From Here
Haha, I know… I feel the same way about my skinny jeans! I don’t think I will ever love bell bottoms but they are fun every once in a while for a change!
Hildegarde MacMillan
Loved these casual outfits!
Thank you!!
Super amazing blog, looking stunning
Thanks for the kind words, Truda!