Teacher Talk Tuesday: It’s BEAN a great year!

Well, well, well… this is the LAST post I will be doing in May and you know once June hits the countdown is on for both the teachers and the students! Hang in there guys… we are almost there!
I am not a huge fan of bulletin boards, I typically keep my one in the hall the same all year and just update it with weekly writing. However, there is one I do every single year- the kids love it and it goes along with my science unit on plants.
It’s BEAN a Great Year! Cute… right?! Haha, okay it gets better. We start by sprouting bean seeds in plastic baggies. The students fold a square piece of paper towel in half twice, then they place the bean seed in between the layers, water it, and then hang it up. Luckily, my bulletin board gets enough sunlight that the kids can watch the seeds sprout. Once a few have sprouted we take them down and put them under the document camera to investigate- the kids LOVE this! It’s a great time to talk to review terms such as seed coat, sprout, roots, stem, etc!
Once almost all of the seeds have sprouted we plant them! We keep them in the plastic baggies but just add the dirt. This way you can still hang the baggies on the bulletin board and the beans will grow up and out of the bag. The board looks adorable and once the beans get a little too big to manage in the bags, I send them home with the kids so they can add them to their parents garden. SO MUCH FUN!
I dropped the ball and forgot to take a picture for this post but I will make sure to update you via my Instagram stories! If you’re not following me yet, you probably should 😉 you can do that here–> instagram.com/teachme_style
Happy Teaching!