SKFW Get Ready With Me

I will admit I have wasn’t that great at sharing my outfits for Sask Fashion Week this year… it was honestly just so crazy around here on Thursday and Friday, it was go-go-go! From school, to Barre, and then straight to fashion week I literally had 30 minutes to get ready, ah- haha!
Anyways, Saturday I had a little more time so I thought it would be fun to film a little get ready with me video! I often get questions about my make-up and what I typically use when I’m going out or doing a photo shoot so I have showed all the products as I put them on. The look I went for was very dewy / glowy with a glam lash. Very basic and easy! This is by no means a tutorial more me just showing the products I use… anyways, enough chit chatting, here it is! I have linked all of the products in the description.
Ps. The robe that I’m wearing in this video is from Smash + Tess... I am in LOVE with it and wear it nearly every day!
Thanks for watching!
I loved this video Holly! Your makeup looks so professional – I can’t even get over how good it looks!! Totally in love with your whole look, especially the addition of the headband. I feel like it just really set it off 🙂
Also, would you mind sharing the details of your foundation and primer? As I’m in Australia, the links provided take me automatically to where it says the page doesn’t exist! Would love to know 🙂 also the link to the All That Glitters eye shadow is the same as the Sigma Brow product – just thought I’d let you know. Sorry if someone already has! X Carly
Hi Carly! Sorry for the delay in my reply!! I have looked into the links on the foundation and it must just be because you’re in AU because they work here… I will update the others sorry!
The foundation is Josie Maran Vibrancy Argan Oil foundation. The primer is the Makeup Forever Step 1 Skin Smoothing Primer. It is in a dark grey tube!
Hope this helps!!
Thanks so much for the comment!