Mortise & Tenon Refill Station

I have been wanting to switch to more zero waste products for so long and I have finally done it with the help of Mortise & Tenon. Shockingly enough, I did it all while social distancing! Mortise & Tenon is making it so easy to keep getting the goodies you’ve fallen in love with (my routine deodorant) AND is even getting newbies, like myself, set up with their refill bar! Because EVERYTHING is a little extra confusing these days, I’ve asked them to share some information around how they are handling things during this uncertain time!
Bulk soap/refills:
⁃ Yes! The refill station is available even through the Covid 19 outbreak by delivering new mason jars
at no cost for the jar. Jars can be returned once business gets back to usual.
⁃ Premium bulk products are made by a family run company in B.C. Read more about the products here.
⁃ Starter kits are available! This is what I got! You get a jar to keep, a pump at a discounted price and the
premium product of your choice. This is a great deal as it’s much cheaper than purchasing everything individually!
⁃ Laundry strips are available in 3 varieties pre packed for 32 loads and 2 scents in bulk. How awesome will these be once we are free to travel again?! I got the refill laundry soap in the lavender scent and it is sooo lovely.
⁃ Already have your own mason jars? That’s great! They have lots of mason jar accessories to convert your old jars! Oil pour, sprayers, lids, etc.
⁃ The Routine Deodorant that I love is still available in the regular format and they are still doing the refills. They are
using new jars at no cost that you can return when this is done. I already have my own jar that I have refilled several times so I got a refill in the mason jar and will return it once things return to normal.
Crave Kombucha (REGINA ONLY)
⁃ Free delivery for growlers or six packs or you can toss a bottle or 2 in with another order!
⁃ Flavours: Ginger Lemon, Pink Lemonade, Raspberry Mint, Cranberry Mango- this one is my favourite I would suggest a growler of this flavour! Read more / shop the booch here!
Lodge Cast Iron…
because even those who claim they can’t cook are cooking during the Big Q and I am here for it!!
⁃ This is the Cadillac of cast iron cookware and I am SO excited to show you all how to use this!
⁃ Pre seasoned and ready to cook with which is so convenient!
⁃ Free Canada wide delivery over $100 pre tax
Other helpful information:
⁃ Free in Regina contactless delivery to your doorstep or condo/apartment vestibule with
purchases $20 and more pre tax- this is amazing!
-use the code HOLLY15 for 15% off your purchase! This code will work on anything in their online store! Whether you want to get a starter kit for the refill bar, some (re)zip bags, the Stojo collapsable cup, metal straws, deodorant, or some new bees wax wrap, they’ve got you covered!
Do you have a store in Vancouver?
Hi! No, sorry Mortise and Tenon is just local to Regina!