Lululemon In The Workplace

If you’re a teacher and your school has air conditioning, consider yourself #blessed.  My school, like most, doesn’t and it is a constant battle trying to figure out what to wear.  There is the never ending issue with the dress code when the heat hits… finding shorts and dresses that are long enough and tops that are wider than two fingers. I recently acquired these Lululemon shorts and they have been my saving grace over the last two weeks. They pass the length test (they are originally meant to be worn as a high(er) waist short but by wearing them around your hips they meet the length requirement!), are super comfortable and also aren’t too casual… boom! They are not Lulu’s typical spandex material, instead they are a light weight, luxurious tencel. They come in two colors and lucky for you, they’re currently in the “we made too much section” of the website (they’re on sale)!

For this particular photo shoot I am wearing the shorts around my waist so this length would not be appropriate for work.  However,  because the waist band is elastic I simply wear them around my hips to meet the length requirement for our dress code! Sneaky, sneaky!
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Who knew Lulu’s could be appropriate for the workplace?!

Shorts c/o Lululemon || Sandals || Lace Tank (similar)|| Bracelet c/o Fifth Avenue Collection
