For Fringe Sakes

Fringe has always been something that catches my eye, but at times I can feel a little lost when it comes to styling it.  How do you make it look sweet without it looking like you’re off to a music festival with a headband and a million rainbow bracelets stacked on your arms- don’t get me wrong, that look is totally awesome but not exactly what I want to pull off every time I wear fringe.

Although fringe seems to be everywhere, I have come to the conclusion that more often than not, less is more.  I like it in neutral colors and small doses.  Pairing a fringe purse with fringe boots and a fringe kimono… probably not gonna work but these items individually styled are amazeballs. (amazing)

IMG_9903_batch IMG_9930_batch IMG_9940_batch

Dress similarCardigan similarName Plate Necklace


*Use code HOLLY10 to receive 10% off personalized necklace!*

Thoughts on fringe?!
