Buffalo Check Coat

The weather this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! Turns out if you complain enough, mother nature listens. With this warm weather I finally had the chance to get some wear out of this super cute black and white buffalo check coat. Although this coat is pretty heavy it doesn’t have a zipper so it is not suitable for the cold weather we have been having. But when the sun decided to shine, I was all smiles running my errands in it!
This coat is on sale for under $40, what a steal!! I am totally in love with buffalo check fabric this season, are you?!
Emma Engmark
Absolutely stunning coat!
Thank you so much!
Love your coat! Do you have your closet on Glamoutfit app? I want to follow you. I’m so curious what you have in your closet.
Hi Kathlynn! I am not… I have never heard of that app before. I will have to check it out!
Thanks for sharing that info!
Laura Mitbrodt
What a cute look, I love your coat!!
Thanks, Laura!!
Olivia Poncelet
nice jacket <3
Thank you!