5 Things You Likely Don’t Know About Me

Some of you have been kicking it with me for over 3 YEARS!! Isn’t that crazy?! It feels like it was just yesterday I was brainstorming names for my blog with my friend Michelle during our recess break. Since it’s been three years I figure it’s time for us to take our relationship to the next level, so I thought it would be fun for me to share 5 things you likely don’t know about me!
1.) I am outgoing but I don’t particularly enjoy going out. Strange, I know, but the older I get the more I cherish my time at home. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy going out for a nice dinner or grabbing some wine and tapas with my girlfriends, but if I had to choose between going out or staying in, I would almost always choose staying in. My favourite nights include wine, a homemade charcuterie board, a good movie and bags of candies for dessert if I’m feeling extra.
2.) I like washing my car – wand wash, to be particular. This was one of my jobs growing up on the farm. My dad had a pressure washer at the shop and it would be my job to wash the trucks. I hated it then but now I actually enjoy it! With that being said, my Jeep is dirty 90% of the time because, well, life… but you know, I try!
3.) I am crazy sensitive. This surprises a lot of people and that’s why I included it. I come across super confident and chill, which for the most part is true but I am also that girl that over analyzes everything. Words stick with me forever and I often find it hard to let things go. I don’t bring it up but I do carry it with me. This is definitely something I am working on…
4.) My favourite genre of music is 80’s & 90’s country. Nothing feels more like home than listening to the request line on 620 CKRM on Sunday mornings! I am obsessed.
5.) I HATE scary things. Scary movies. Scary musics. Scary podcasts. I am just not interested. Maybe it’s because I live alone now but I seriously just do not understand why anyone would want to be scared!!
Sweater c/o Uptown Casuals || Shorts |Shoes || Glasses
Your turn! Tell me a little something about yourself!
Nistha Saraf
Nice to know about you babe! You look lovely!