JUMPing into a new phone

Peeling off the plastic, sliding on that crisp new case, pushing the fresh new home button, seeing the apple light up on the screen for the first time… ah, there is nothing quite like getting your hands on a new phone. There is was also nothing quite like waiting for your new phone. No, I don’t mean waiting for your upgrade to hit (that part does suck) I mean waiting for them to physically set up your new phone. I remember this taking hours, to the point where I would dread going to get a new phone (first world problems, I know), but not any more!!
I have been a long time Jump.ca customer and for good reason. Being in business for over 20 years they really do know how to do service. Whether you’re in there because you just can’t figure out why your iPhone isn’t ringing (yes, this actually happened to the sweetest old man while I was there. Bless his soul I can’t imagine the learning curve!!), you’re needing to replace your cracked screen, or you’re there for an upgrade, Whoop Whoop- they’re there guiding you through every step with a smile!
As exciting as getting a new (i)Phone is, it can be stressful. Having a team of friendly staff makes the process exciting! A few weeks ago I went into Jump.ca to upgrade to the new iPhone 7 plus (insert nerd/heart eye emoticon here). I was SOOO excited to be finally joining the 7 Plus club but I’m not going to lie I was anxious about just how long it would take for them to switch over my phone. I have… wait for it, 15, 000 photos on my phone, I know right?! Crazy!! Anyways, I was fully expecting them to tell me to come back in a few hours while they transferred all the goods and set everything up, I was wrong! Luke, the wonderful Jump.ca employee, had me all set up and out the door within the hour. Because I was keeping my old phone (for backup) he was able to put the sim card in my new phone, get things rolling, and then take it out and put it back into my old phone while I waited for everything to transfer over. This way I wasn’t stuck without a phone while my new phone pulled the thousands of photos from the cloud. I was able to leave the store and carry on with my day and as soon as I got home and connected to my wifi it continued doing its’ thing. Once the transfer was complete I simply put the sim card into my new phone and voila!!! Look at me go with all this tech talk!!!
A new iPhone 7 Plus, a screen protector, and an adorable case and I was happier than a pig in s@i& walking out the door!
Need an upgrade?! Or on the hunt for a cute new case so it feels like your phone is new again?! Head into Jump.ca to say hello to their wonderful staff and mention me, Teach Me Style, and you’ll receive 25% off their amazing selection of accessories from Casemate, Kate Spade, and Sugar Paper to name a few! HOW cute is this Casemate glitter one… I can’t even!?!
Zaara Waseem
I like the first and third case <3
Thanks, Zaara!
I hope you’re having a wonderful summer 🙂