Happy Easter, Asparagus Soup + The Best Candy Ever

Happy Easter, Besties! I hope you’re having a fun day celebrating, however that looks! Our Easter is always really chill and I love it. Today we are at my parents farm where I grew up ( just outside of Raymore) decorating Eggs, doing an egg hunt, eating some good food, and of course going for all the beep beep rides!
This past week has been a busy and exciting! Halo started solids which is absolutely WILD to me! It legitimately feels like she was born two months ago and yet here we are, eating avocado! We are doing baby lead weaning with her, we did the same with Dane, and I really enjoyed the process. I know there are some parents out there who don’t particularly love this stage but I really do. I welcome the mess and throwing food!
What I Cooked/Ate:
I made a few new recipes this week and they were all really great and would definitely make them again. I have always really loved Hello Fresh and although I haven’t ordered them in a while (I’m thinking of doing it again) I do often pull up their recipes and make them at home. I happened to have all the ingredients for this gnocchi recipe (don’t you love when that happens) and so I threw it together and let me tell you it was SO good and it took 15 minutes. The longest part was frying the Italian sausage. I will be adding this to my rotation for sure. I also had some asparagus that I found in the back of my fridge that was looking at little haggard, refusing to throw it out, I hit up Pinterest to find a cream of asparagus soup recipe. Typically when it comes to soup I just throw stuff together and very rarely follow a recipe but I haven’t made asparagus in a long time so I needed a little refresher. I ended up finding this one, a super basic/ easy recipe that turned out incredibly delicious… I bought asparagus again and will be making it again next week! I also got to try Inspired Go this week! I have been wanting to try it forever but just never have. My sister was heading out of town and had one left that she didn’t want to go bad so she gave it to me. It was the chopped salad and well, I have since placed a large order for next week! It was so good, I’m hooked!
What I’m loving;
Nerd Gummy Clusters… I am addicted. I can’t stop with them they are my guilty pleasure these days. They’re hard to come by but you can get sometimes find them at Walmart and London Drugs. I’m also loving my Joe Fresh platform rain boots they have been so perfect for heading out with Dane.
What I Wore:
Tee is coming soon to Shop Teach…
Have a great week babes!