Strawberries & Cream Smoothie

Ah, it’s been a minute! Hi! How are you?! I’ve missed you all! I’m not going to lie I have been having a hard time keeping up with all the things, especially now that I am a full blown Tiktok addict, LOL! And speaking of the Tok, I have a recipe for you all. I shared it on my TikTok account but I know that a lot of you don’t have that app nor are you interested in getting it at this point and that’s ok, I got you!
I go in phases with smoothies. For months I’ll go without having any and then all of a sudden I’ll wake up and NEED one. I think it’s the warm weather that has me craving them lately… that and I also got a massive box of Tropeaka products from Brainsnacks so I have been loving getting creative in the kitchen with them. Here is my latest creation… beware, it’s addicting!
Strawberries + Cream Smoothie
1 frozen banana
1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries
1 TBSP Tropeala Vanilla Lean Protein
1/4 Cup yogurt of your choice (I used coconut)
About 1 cup nut milk (I used coconut)
Throw it all into a blender and crank it up! If you feel like getting creative you can add shredded coconut and chia seeds on top! That’s it! Easy, delicious, refreshing, and healthy!
Have you been into smoothies lately? What’s your go to right now?
*Tropeaka is an Australian brand and can be quite pricy to ship to Canada. Luckily, you can buy almost all Tropeaka products locally at Brainsnacks!