SeaWheeze Training Update

Will I ever start to enjoy running?! This is the question I keep asking myself. If I’m going to be honest, at this point I am really not enjoying this whole training for a half marathon thing. Truthfully, it started out quite well. I was running a quick 5-6 km every day after work. The temperatures were mild and the playlists were good. A few weeks, sore foot, old playlist, and side stich later, I’m starting to realize that running ain’t just rainbows and butterflies… those runners out there *slow clap* I applaud you.
With that being said, there are a few things I’ve learnt along the way and I thought I would share them with you.
1.) Duh, this is an obvious one but I did it so perhaps there are others who have made this mistake too. Don’t run in old runners! I went to buy new running shoes but they didn’t have the color I wanted (seriously, Holl?) so I waited it out and ran in my old sneakers until the pink pair came in. Waiting for that perfect color sneaker to arrive is what started the demise of my training. I was running in shoes that were easily 4 years old and began to get intense pain in my arches, not only when I ran but any time I was barefoot or wearing a shoe that didn’t have the proper arch support. After googling and consulting other running experts, I was told to take a few weeks off, roll it with a tennis ball, and let it heal completely before heading out again in NEW runners.
2.) It’s about function not fashion. This ties into the point above. Do not buy runners based on their looks. If you follow me on a regular basis you know I am a sucker for a great pair of sneakers. Keep your casual sneakers and running shoes separate. Buy running or workout shoes from the specialists. If you’re local to Regina, I suggest Track and Trail. They will be able to analyze the way you walk and fit you with a pair of shoes that are right for you. They may not look the greatest but trust me your feet will be so happy 🙂
3.) Find a good playlist BEFORE you head out. This is a mistake I have made one too many times. There is nothing worse than having to skip every other song. If you’re on Spotify, here are a few that I have been loving lately! Hip Hop, pop, and a mix of everything! You could also create your own playlist of all your favourites, I haven’t done this yet but I feel like it would be awesome!
4.) Use a running app. I prefer the Nike+. It tracks your distance, time, and you can add friends. I also love that it tracks your total distance, it just makes me feel so good! You can also make notes about how the run went. If used properly I assume this could help you problem solve.
5.) Get a running buddy! My sister is mine and even though we live in different cities she holds me accountable sending me “have you run yet?!” snaps, texts, or calls! We are also running the Seawheeze together so having a mutual end goal is a major bonus!
NOW, here is where I need your help! Out of nowhere I have been experiencing a major stitch on my right side, right below my rib. It is seriously SOOO annoying, and SOOO painful!!! I have done some research and some say it’s my breathing and others say it could be a tight muscle. I haven’t noticed a change in my breathing so I’m thinking that’s not it. Any suggestions?! Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
The run is basically a month away now and so it’s go time. Although I’m not a huge fan of running, I’m not a quitter! So, any other suggestions and tips for making this last month of training the best it can be would be awesome!
Do you love running? Share your tricks!
I’m no help since I cannot stand running anything over 6km’s. But do you have a running buddy? When I lived in Canada, running was SO fun because I had girl-time and hilarious chats and the runs went by so quickly.
Hey Nancy!! Thanks for the tips! At this point, I don’t. Most of my friends hate running, haha but I do have my sister it’s just that she lives in Edmonton! I will have to get on my friends and try to convert them…thanks for the tip!!
Might be worth seeing a chiropractor before you go! Maybe you have a tight muscle that just needs to be released:) I think an initial appointment with one is $70 and the remaining are $40, but depending on your health plan can be submitted for coverage after the fact.
I have never thought about going to a chiropractor for this! I had thought about a massage therapist but not a chiro… I will definitely look into this, thanks for the tip! I think I am covered for that type of thing so it is worth a try that’s for sure!!
In my experience, it’s always from breathing. Especially when you’re doing longer distances, make sure you’re exhaling all of your breath. Counting helps for me (in for 1, 2, 3, out for 1, 2, 3). Good learnings, though…and you’re very fashionable while doing it. Your Seawheeze experience will be great!
Hi Tanis! Okay, I have really been focussing on my breathing but more so my exhales. It is definitely not the rhythm you have suggested. Perhaps I am focussing too much on the exhales rather than keeping them balanced like you’ve suggested. I am really going to give this a try when I head out today. Breathing is hard lol who would of thought?! Thanks for the tip, I will let you know how I make out!
I’m training for SeaWheeze with my sister too! We use the “coach” option on the Nike Running app and it’s awesome because it sets out all of the training runs. As for side stitches, I’ve had them on and off for years. I don’t think there’s a “cure”, I’ve also heard the tip about breathing too 🙁
Awe, how fun!! Perhaps we will run beside each other at SeaWheeze.. you never know!! I am so excited! I went last year to cheer my sister on and it looked so awesome when she asked me I couldn’t say no! I think you’re right about the no cure for side stich thing but, if I find something that seems to work for me I will post about it and hopefully it will help you too! Happy Training and maybe see you at the run!
I second Tanis on the 1,2,3 breathing, one count per step. Depending how fast you run, you might need up to 4. When I first started running, all that went through my head during my first two weeks was 123, 123, 123 until it became a habit. Hope that helps!
You might find this article useful:
Well thank you so much, Tessa!! This helped me SO much. I took your (and Tanis’) advice and focussed strickly on my breathing and it really helped.. like no stitch at all! I am going to read that article as well! Thanks again!!
As much as training for a half requires doing those long runs I find doing strength training, intervals and stretching or yoga a few days a week just as important. They’ll help with the boredom as well help prevent injuries. I only do long runs 1-2x per week…variety is what has helped me. Good luck girl!
Ah, good thinking! I forgot to mention that in my post… I have been doing yoga here and there but not as much as I should! I’m thinking I need to fit more of it in! Thanks for the tips!
Workout Kristen
Workout Kristen suggests planning your route BEFORE your run. Try to think of something a bit further in distance each time. Let that (among other things) be your goal. I also like to change up my route to keep it more interesting. I really like running the streets around wascana lake. Down Albert and broad.
Kristen! Those tips are so simple why have I never thought of them! I have been running around our neighbourhood only and I’m getting really bored! Also, I never plan where I am going I just run until my KM goal is up then I started to head home, haha I’m for sure going to do this next time, duh! Thank you!!