Nicole Vienna

This has been a long time coming. No, for real… there is a little backstory to this post. Get cozy, pour yourself a glass of vino and get ready to find out why my Nicole Vienna watch is probably the best gold watch ever on planet Earth… maybe even in the entire universe.
Rewind to July 2016. I come home to a package from Nicole Vienna and inside I find the most beautiful gold watch with a black marble face. It’s love at first sight. I take it to the jeweler, get it fitted and leave the store with a little extra bounce in my step as I see the golden hues sparkle in the corner of my left eye.
Now, when I have things gifted to me I always wear / try them first so I can give honest feedback. In this case, I did just that. I remember it like it was yesterday. I wore the watch to work, came home, watered my thriving garden, and that’s where things get a little blurry.
The next morning, I’m getting ready to leave for work and I go to grab my Nicole (my watch) and she’s not in her spot. Running a little behind schedule (shocking) I realize I don’t have time to look for her, not overly concerned at this point though as I remember having it the day before. I continue on with my day…
That evening I come home and the first thing I do is search for the Nicole. I search literally everywhere. She’s nowhere to be found. Losing things is the most awful feeling. I just kept replaying the day before in my head… “I went to the garden, watered, pulled a few weeds….” nothing. It was gone. At one point I even blamed it on Sunny (my yorkie) thinking maybe he picked it up and hid it somewhere – yes, I stooped to that level, sorry Sunny.
After searching for a full week, I exhausted all possibilities and e-mailed the company with the old “the dog ate my homework” story.
THREE AND A HALF MONTHS LATER… it’s now late October. The snow has fallen and melted again and it’s that time of year, fall clean up. B and I are cleaning out the garden, pulling out the dead plants and low and behold there, nestled under a mound of dead tomato plants is my Nicole, just chillin’ like nothing had happened. Still ticking, not a single scratch, rust, or imperfection!!! I literally shrieked with excitement! I couldn’t believe it… and that my friends is why my Nicole Vienna watch is the best watch on this planet. Need I say more?!
So, without further adue. Here is Nicole complementing this cozy fall look!
Nicole Vienna is a Scandinavian based watch brand which embraces the love of all things beautiful. The gorgeous watches are inspired by Scandinavian interior and add that perfect element of sophistication and class to any outfit while still remaining on trend. Their watches are crafted from the finest materials and are carefully crafted with attention to every detail. The above story is a true testament to the quality of these watches. For more information or to shop these beautiful timepieces check out their website here!
Sweater similar || Denim || Boots similar || Plaid similar || Bag c/o Brave || Watch c/o Nicole Vienna
Have you ever lost something and had it show up in the most ridiculous place… or is that just me?!
Unbelievable that it was still ticking!! Solid and beautiful!!
Right?! I was SO shocked. Not only was it still ticking there was not a stitch of rust or tarnish on the gold. It literally looked brand new!