My Favourite Sustainable Products

Over the past few years I have been trying to make a conscious effort in reducing my carbon footprint. The more I travel and the more of the Earth’s beauty I am able to witness, the more I want to help preserve it. Trust me when I say I have a LONG way to go. I am by no means perfect but I can whole heartedly say that I am trying. Earth Day was yesterday, and I posted this photo above on IG along with few changes I’ve made over the past year. After posting, I had some questions about a few of the products so I thought I would share the links along with some info about them here!
Go Mug– I have a Yeti one and yes, they are expensive (mine was a gift) but trust me when I tell you they are worth it- especially if you’re a teacher or a mama! Hot coffee is the best coffee and this mug keeps it hotttt!
Reusable Shopping Bags– I will admit, until getting these particular bags, I was terrible for not remembering to bring reusable bags. For me, it isn’t habit to bring them, as much as I wish it was, it just isn’t. Therefore, I need bags that fit into my purse and are always just there. These Baggu bags do just that. They are large and hold a tonne of stuff. I typically only use one each time I go shopping #singleliving but they fold up into a flat small rectangle that fit perfectly into my purse. In fact, I fit TWO into my small purse. They are super durable and have a tonne of super cute patterns.
Silicone Baking Mat– I got mine from Costco a while ago, I haven’t seen them there lately. Don’t you hate how they do that!?! Anyways, I found a set of three on Amazon… thank God for Amazon!
Reusable Produce Bags– I am super weird and I just don’t put my produce into plastic bags. I just throw them in my basket free style… YOLO! But, I am guilty of buying green beans, bean sprouts, or snap peas that come in a plastic bag… BOOOOO. You’ll be happy to know I just placed an order for these reusable produce bags!
Dryer Balls– I just made the switch to wool dryer balls a few months ago and I’m hooked! I put essential oils on them, Sweet Sheets from Saje is my favourite and they smell amazing! Don’t worry, the oils don’t stain your clothes! These balls (and the oils) make your clothes smell fabulous and also cut down the drying time therefore preserving energy!
Makeup Cloth- I have been using these for years, honestly even before I was trying to be more conscious of my carbon footprint. They are better for your skin than the chemical filled wipes, are cheaper in the long run, and they just work great!
Metal or Bamboo Straws– I much prefer a metal straw but I know a lot of people don’t, so if that’s you, bamboo! I bought this pack from Amazon as well (gotta love Prime) and I keep one in my purse, one at school, one in my car, and a few at home, LOL! They are everywhere but hey, no excuse to use a plastic one!
Bees Wax “Plastic” Wrap & Reusable “Ziplock” bags– Both of these were super easy transitions. The problem, if you want to call it that, is I find I never have enough. I will admit I haven’t 100% eliminated Ziplock’s and plastic wrap but I use WAY less than I used to. I am still growing my collection of these products which will hopefully allow me to completely eliminate plastic wrap and ziplocks!
Metal Water Bottle– Over the years I have accumulated a few of these. I like to keep one at school on my desk, one in my car for my workouts, and one at home. I find having one in each of those places works best for me. I am a very forgetful person and hauling one around with me just doesn’t seem to work. This system seems work for me so I’m sticking with it!
Smoothie Tumbler– If you haven’t read my Green Smoothie Blog post yet, you definitely should because I swear it is the most delicious green smoothie ever! If you have, you will know I have a smoothie pretty much every morning on my drive to work. So of course, I need a cute REUSABLE tumbler! Here are a few of my favourite. I prefer a metal one so if I don’t finish it on the drive it stays cold and I can enjoy it throughout my morning!
Well, there you have it! I know I have a LONG way to go but it’s a start. I hope this post inspires you to find even just one way to reduce! Every change, little or big, is making an impact!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
-Dr. Seuss