Merry Christmas!

Well folks we have almost made it!! Four more sleeps until the big day. You may think I’m here to give you some last minute gift ideas. If you are, I’m sorry you won’t find any here. Instead, I’m here today to wish you Merry Christmas! I am writing to remind you that whatever gifts may or may not be under your tree does not matter. The people you are with and the memories you make are what truly matter!
Brandon and I will be hosting Christmas for the second year now and we are pretty excited! Although it’s stressful at times; organizing, prepping, and cooking the meal, I try to remind myself how lucky we are to have a home to host in, food to put on the table, and family to celebrate with- that is after all the only thing that really matters, right?
My sister Heather, her husband Randy and my two fur baby nephews, Duke & Buster will be arriving today and I can’t wait!! I plan to put her to work the second she steps foot in the door- pinching perogies and rolling cabbage rolls… misery loves company, right?! All jokes aside I love having my big sister beside me in the kitchen. We don’t see each other often enough so if spending time together involves pinching perogies we are more than okay with it… as long as there is wine involved, obviously!
This year will also be extra special as it is our families first Christmas with a baby in the family!!! Isla, my beautiful niece was born in July and we are thrilled to finally have a baby around for the holidays! Although she is only 6 months old I am so excited to see her excitement, spoil her, cuddle her, and just spend time with her!
Splitting your time between two sets of families although very common can be overwhelming and exhausting. Brandon and I are SO lucky to have our families celebrate together on Christmas day! I honestly can’t explain how lucky I feel to be able to have both our families together to celebrate- thank you to Brandon’s family and my own for being totally awesome, we love you both so much! After our hosting duties are over B and I will head to my parents farm to relax and engage in some winter activities- keep in touch via Instagram to see what kind of trouble we get into!
Well now that I have filled you in on what we will be doing I can’t forget to share what I will be wearing! I found this ADORABLE skirt at J Crew the other weekend which was on sale for $20 (has since sold out)!! Although it is very festive and I will likely only wear it once, maybe twice around the holiday season, I couldn’t leave it… who doesn’t want to look like a walking present on Christmas day!? The crop sweater is from Aritzia and it has been on repeat since last weekend.
Ps. For all my teacher followers out there if you show your teachers certificate at the till you get 15% off at J Crew!!
I will be taking the week off to spend some time with my family, I hope you will do the same! Merry Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season however you celebrate!
Awwe this is such a beautiful post, I am in love with your skirt it is lovely ! Perfect for the Holidays ! I also agree that spending time with family is the best part of the holiday season, I have to bounce around like a jumping bean but it is worth it to get to see everyone 🙂 Merry Christmas ! I hope it is amazing.
Merry Christmas Jessica! I hope it was fabulous!
Oh my gosh I’m still loving this necklace! It’s to die for. So stunning. Merry Christmas to you and your family! It sounds like you have a wonderful day in store.
xx Kathryn
Thanks, Kathryn! I hope your holiday was fabulous as well!
HOLLY! Once again, you are stunning + glowing (and you totally look like the cutest walking present I ever did see)! I love the beautiful reminder to enjoy the special moments over the holiday with our loved ones! It sounds like you will be very busy the next week enjoying family time 🙂 Good luck hosting Christmas at your house, I’m positive it will be amazing! Merry Christmas love! Xoxoxo
Thanks so much Torey! I hope you had a fabulous Christmas as well… hosting was busy but soo good! XOXO
Giiiiiirl! You are flawless, I love it! Cutest outfit and the shooes…yes please!
Awe, thanks babe!!! XOXOXO