Kelowna Vlog

WOW… this is SOO overdue, I cannot believe I am just sharing this now. I would like to blame this on Brandon and say he took forever to edit the vlog but that would be a lie. He has had this done and ready for me to publish for weeks now and I seriously just kept forgetting about it!
So, if you’re new to TMS you may not know that Brandon and I went on a big road trip through B.C this summer with our friend Jon. Jon is Brandon’s best friend (they’ve been besties since Kindergarten- so cute!!) and he lives in Fort McMurray so we don’t get to see him often. He’s awesome (you’ll see from the vlog) and we always have a blast when we travel together. Most of the time Jon and I gang up on Brandon and so it’s super fun- LOL
Anyways, here is the vlog from the Kelowna part of the trip!
Places we ate:
Oak + Cru– it was okay, I wouldn’t say it was the best food we’ve had but the view was great.
Raudz– Ah-ma-zing!! Seriously so delicious and the atmosphere was great, too!
Dolicious Donuts – SO GOOD. I’m a huge donut gal and this did not disappoint.
Quails Gate– we went for wine tasting and a dinner. I would highly recommend staying for dinner. If you follow Kaitlyn Bristowe or Jillian Harris this place will be familiar to you. They are always there and for good reason. It is delicious and just so beautiful. It is definitely on the fancy side so make sure you’re dressed up. I would also suggest trying to get a reservation early in the week as it fills up. We didn’t and just happened get lucky as they had some cancellations.
What we did:
Myra Canyon bike ride– I highly suggest doing this. The views are incredible. Unfortunately, it was super smoky when we were there but it was still worth it. Also, if you’re anything like us on vacation, you’ll want to burn some calories after all that eating.
Barre class at Barreroom– As many of you know I used to teach Barre and so I love taking classes at other studios! It’s super neat to see how each studio brings a different spin to the same workout class. I took Mackenzie’s class which was awesome for 2 reasons. First, she kicked my butt… man her workout was tough! Second, I didn’t realize this until mid way through my class, but she is on Jillian Harris’ team… she is her photographer, SO COOL to have met her!
Shop: Kelowna is peppered with amazing little shops! I especially noticed all the adorable home goods boutiques… unfortunately this was the first stop of our trip so I couldn’t do a lot of shopping, next time!
Beaches: To be honest, we didn’t spend a lot of time at the beach or by the water as it was just so smoky which was a huge disappointment… oh well, perhaps this is just another reason to go back.
Orchards: Everywhere you look there’s fresh fruit stands and orchards. I can’t remember which ones we stopped at but the ones we visited seemed to be pretty similar and they were all great. Fresh Okanagan cherries… omg, nothing is better!
Lavender Farm: We randomly decided to check this out and although the majority of the lavender had already been harvested it was well worth the stop. The gardens were absolutely beautiful and the gift shop smelled amazing- it was full of lavender goodies including essential oil, soap, and lotions.
There ya have it! My apologies this is SO late!