5 Facts About Me

Wow! Sorry it has been a few days since I have posted but I am have been BUSY!!! I ran my first half marathon, ate some pretty amazing food, did a bit of shopping, and spent the day on our friends yacht… yup, Vancouver has been pretty amazing to say the least. I will be posting a recap post very soon!
Anyways, I have been meaning to share this post for a while. Since we have been together for well over a year I would say things are getting pretty serious between us and I figured you might want to know a little more about me. So, without further ado:
1.) I’m a teacher. Okay, most of your probably already know this but there are people who think I blog full time… nope, I teach full time and blog half/full time as well, haha! The question I get asked most often is will I eventually quit teaching and blog full time? This is really hard for me to answer. I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be ecstatic, proud, and excited as hell to be a full time blogger but I truly don’t know if I could walk away from the classroom. I love that every day is different, I love that every September I get a fresh start, I love my teacher friends, and I LOVE the relationships I make with my students and their families…. I just LOVE teaching. However, flying around the world, going to fashion shows, vlogging, and shooting designer clothes would really be a dream come true though. So to be honest, I really don’t know the answer. All I know is I am #blessed to have found two careers that I absolutely love… time will tell my friends, time will tell.
2.) I LOVE 90’s country music. Like I mean love. It is actually my music of choice. I like Drake, Beyonce, and all the rest but nothing gets me like a little Joe Diffie, Martina McBride, and George Straight.
3.) I grew up in a very small town… like 900 people small. I graduated with the same 34 people I went to Kindergarten with… well for the most part. Of course we welcomed new people and said goodbye to the odd person who moved away but how cool is that?! Small town life!
4.) We moved into our home nearly 3 years ago and I have never showered in it… before you get grossed out, I bath! I can count on one hand how many times I’ve showered and a good portion of those times were when we went to Paris and our hotel didn’t have a tub. I was not impressed- good thing Paris is the most beautiful city and totally made up for it. I can’t tell you what it is that I don’t like about showers, I just don’t. I loveeee my baths. I bath twice a day, morning and night. And if you’re going to tell me I’m bathing in my own filth, just don’t, it hurts my feelings, ok?
5.) I don’t have a middle name. My full name is Holly Anne Horvath and Holly Anne is technically my first name. For legal purposes I fake it and pretend my middle name is Anne but technically it is not. My parents couldn’t think of anything that went with Anne and so that was that and they just left it… weird I know. Now, only like 3 people in my life call me Holly Anne. The rest shorten it to Holl, which I actually prefer. You can call me whatever you want… as long as it’s nice 😉
Stay tuned for more details on my west coast vacation!
Brooke breti
Awe Holly, you are so inspiring. I feel the exact same way as you about teaching. Your blog is amazing, so I know if you keep it up you will one day make it big! Keep dreaming “big”girl! You have all your small town Raymore Sask girls by your side every step of the way:)
Oh and your biggest fan, your mom❤️-
my students last year, “Ms. Horvath, is your daughter famous?” Haha too cute 🙂 thanks for all the blog posts.. And thanks for helping with my wardrobe everyday!
Brooke! Thanks for the comment you’re just so sweet!!! Although the decision would be so tough I hope one day I have the option to choose! And yes, my mom is my biggest fan and she’s just the sweetest human ever… I wish she could be my assistant haha!
I love this post! I always enjoy getting to know a little bit about the face behind the blog 🙂
xx Kathryn
I always enjoy reading them too! That’s why I decided to do one on my site 🙂
Love this post! It adds such a personal touch to your blog and I love reading the facts 🙂
Thanks, Mel! It was super fun to write so I’m glad you enjoyed it as well!
Bryn Bradsher
I love that you take baths! Thats awesome! I don’t like showers either, but I can never seem to make the time to take baths!
xo Bryn
Hahaha I don’t either! Mine are not drawn out long ones, typically I’m in and out in less than 10 haha
I love posts like this! It’s so fun to see a more personal side of a blogger 🙂
Awesome, Emma! I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
Holly, you are so adorable! I love reading your blog, you have such a fun and bubbly personality. It’s hard to not want to be your friend, haha! Love that you’re so passionate about being a teacher, I work with infants in the Kohl’s Corporate and it is crazy and wonderful all at the same time! Can’t imagine how crazy and wonderful first grade must be, good for you girl!
XO, Miranda
Miranda!! You’re so sweet! Thank you so much for the comment! Grade one is the best, I seriously love it so much! Crazy and wonderful is a beautiful way to describe working with kids, haha! I look forward to following you on your blogging journey! XOXO