Hello 2018!!

HELLLLLLOOOOOOO!!! Well, it has been a hot minute since I’ve posted on here. Maybe you missed me, maybe you didn’t… hahah, either way, I’m back!!
The holidays were so good to me. I totally relaxed and well I still am… I don’t go back to work for FIVE MORE DAYS!! Isn’t that crazy!? I love time off. There are few better feelings than going to bed without having an alarm set, BUT those who know me well, know that I thrive off routine and structure. I love that go go pace. Call me crazy but I am excited to go back to work on the 8th!
Where was I? Oh right, the holidays! I spent a good portion of them at my parents farm. My sister, her husband and their fur babies were down from Edmonton for a short visit so we took full advantage of our time together. We drank more wine than I’d like to admit, played a bunch of board games, and sat in the hot tub for hours having some real life conversations (it’s amazing what leaving your cell phone inside will do!!) Other than that, I’ve been watching movies, cleaning out random drawers, visiting friends, playing more games, and sleeping in and doing anything besides working on my blog.
Yup, you read that right. I haven’t been working on my blog. I have also had a lot less of a presence on my Instagram and it felt… good. (that was strangely hard to admit) If I’m going to be honest, I felt a little burnt out. That creative fire that had been burning inside of me was starting to fizzle. I had heard of other creatives having this issue but I hadn’t experienced it. I will admit I was a little embarrassed, ashamed to admit it, and even denied it a little claiming I was just busy with school, the holidays, and well, life. But having two weeks off to do literally nothing and still not feeling the itch made me finally realize I was in fact feeling that creative burnout. Typically I would try to fight this feeling and just push through but considering it was the holidays I decided to just embrace it. I stayed up late, watched movies in the middle of the day, baked, hung out with friends, cleaned, went into school, shopped, organized and just did a whole lot of nothing- and it felt AWESOMEEEEE!
Then, just as I was mid writing this post, (I started it last night and just wasn’t feeling it) I took a break to scroll Instagram (shocker) and came across this post:
This was EXACTLY how I was feeling. It’s the New Year and everyone is out there sharing the best of 2017 and their goals and aspirations for 2018 and here I had two weeks off and I couldn’t even get my shit together to do a NYE outfit post. BUT after reading @designlovefest’s Instagram post I realized I am not alone in this feeling. It is totally normal maybe even healthy to feel this way. The more I think about it the more I realize we ALL feel meh every once in a while. Not that I needed it but it sure feels good to have that reassurance!
So, just as Bri said, I am going to be easy nice to myself and let myself feel this way. I’m already feeling better and dare I say inspired?!
I hope you all appreciate the real talk in this post. Anyone else feeling meh right now?! If so I’d love to hear how you pull yourself out of it!
Cheers to the New Year my babes!
Sweater c/o Uptown Casuals || Shoes || Denim || Sunglasses || Jewelery c/o Lolo
I recognize this feeling. I have been blogging in some capacity for over ten years, and at first it was just for fun. Then came the blogging boom and my site was doing well and I started making money at it. With that came a lot of -probably self-imposed- pressure. Long story short, as soon as it started to feel like a job, I burnt out and didn’t want to do it anymore. So I stepped back for a while, realized that I liked blogging more when it was a hobby, switched platforms and just started doing it for fun again like I had in the beginning. My readership is small now, but I enjoy writing in my space and don’t feel any pressure at all to keep doing it if I don’t feel like it or to do it in a certain way to keep amassing readers and earning money.
This was a really long winded comment, and I’m definitely not saying you should do what I did; I’m more saying that when you feel burnt out, it’s a good time to stop, take a look at what you’re doing, what’s worth your mental energy, what’s not, make big cuts and changes, and get yourself back to a place where you feel excited again. I think people can tell when it’s forced anyway. ☺️
Hi Suzy!
Wow- thank you so much for the comment and for the advice. It is so nice to hear genuine feedback from someone who has had very similar feelings in a situations similar to mine.