TTT: Soup club, choir practice, and recess chats…

Okay, so most TTT’s are focussed on the actual teaching part of teaching. But, there are other parts of the job that I believe are pretty darn important too… and that my friends, is the social part.
If you don’t know me, you may picture me as a nerd who teaches kids during the day, and sits behind a computer and blogs in the evenings, and although this is partially true(huge nerd), I am a very social person! Being in a classroom full of kids can get very lonely… strange, I know, but true. That is why it is SO important to get to know your staff… “choir practice”, staff BBQ’s, soup club, or even eating lunch in the staff room are all important aspects of being a part of the team. Teaching is hard and it is crucial that you have buddies on staff to make those tough days, laughable. I’m the first to admit I am guilty of doing full time lunch room supervision, and I barely make it down to the staffroom for recess but I NEVER miss a “choir practice” or soup club!
If you’re not familiar with the term soup club this is how it works at my school. At the beginning of the year an e-mail is sent out inviting all staff members to join. It is totally optional, but if you have the chance you NEED to do it. Ours is every Wednesday and it is seriously our staffs favourite day of the week! If you sign up you’re put on a team, and the only day you need to bring a soup (or salad or lasagne or pasta or whatever you want) is your day, which is typically only about once every 6 weeks, depending on how many people join! SO for the 5 other weeks you’re enjoying a hot delicious, over the top, amazing meal… genius!

Above is a photo of Michelle (my work bestie) and I on the last day of school! I can’t imagine teaching without her next door… we bond every Friday over a lunch date and, of course, soup club!
So, your school doesn’t have one? Start one! There’s no better way to build relationships than over a great meal, right!?
Speaking of, I’m on duty tomorrow so I’ve gotta run… I’m making a spinach, goat cheese, beet, and roasted walnuts salad… #yummmm
Follow me on Pinterest and check out my Soup & Salad club board for some delicious recipes.. the Lemon Chicken Orzo soup is my favourite!