Back To School & Back To The Basics

If you’ve been keeping up with Teach Me Style over the last little bit then you may remember me writing about how I balance teaching, work, and just life in general. Well, after having two months off… today I am OFFICIALLY back to school (work) and the old balancing act! I say officially only because I have been popping in and out of work for the past week getting things organized, cleaning, buying goodies, and, of course, planning super important things like how I’m going to take these kids from non readers and writers to INDEPENDENT readers and writers… sound crazy? It is… but teaching is also arguably one of the most rewarding careers. So, back to my point, it’s time for me to get back in the swing of things, balancing being a teacher and blogging!
Like anything, the longer this balancing act continues, the better I am becoming – or the less coffee I seem to need…
Over the summer I have learned a lot about what keeps me in-sync, grounded, and what I need to reach my potential, whether that’s being the best friend I can be, completing a half-marathon, or reaching goals I set out for this blog. I’ve learned that being outside and around people are two things that are extremely important to me and affect my body and mind immensely. Activities like biking, running, hiking, and heading out for walks are not only good for the body, but are also as important for the mind and soul. As I’ve shared with you many times before, I absolutely love my job, but, like any career, there are days where anything that possibly could go wrong does, and when those days roll around, I rely heavily on the things that keep me centered.
Obviously, being in-sync with your body looks and feels different for everyone. For me, back- to- school season is always my favourite time of the year: it’s a fresh start, and a chance to get back to the basics of what life is all about! I thought I’d share my techniques for keeping my body and mind aligned with the hopes they might inspire you to try something new this fall!
1.) Cooking. I love cooking!! Ever since I was a young girl, I have found the kitchen to be a therapeutic place to be. I spent a lot of time at my grandma’s home growing up and the kitchen is where she spent almost all of her time. Being at grandma’s house meant being in the kitchen and boy am I thankful for that…I can make a mean bowl of borscht…recipe coming soon.
2.) Spending time at my farm. Whenever I feel like my shoulders are bearing a heavy burden, I like to head to my parents’ farm. It’s quiet, beautiful, and calming. Whether it’s sitting on the deck sipping a glass of wine with my parents, or taking our dogs for a walk, it’s always a good place for me to be. After leaving the farm, I feel grounded, centered, and refocused.
3.) Running. I still have a love/hate relationship with running. It all started because of a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out) and now, a year later, I rely on it to keep mind clear. There are definitely days I enjoy it more than others, but I know it’s an important piece of the puzzle for my mind and body.
4.) Walks and bike-rides with Sunny. Just spending time with Sunny makes my heart sing, but going for walks and bike-rides together, especially in summer, is a big part of my day-to-day life.
5.) Gardening. This summer is the first time I planted a garden and I am fully addicted. Brandon built me three 4×8-foot boxes and I filled them to the brim with zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, Swiss chard, potatoes, beans and so much more. The entire process has been so fun and even more rewarding than I ever imagined. Also, I go to the grocery store wayyy less… that in itself is worth it to me!
6.) Spending time with friends. I cannot express how important this is to me. Finding friends that share the same values, activities, and humour is something I don’t take for granted. Making time for my buddies on a weekly basis is a priority for me. Phonecalls, dinner dates, bachelorette nights, walks around the lake, and late night coffee dates are little things that make all the difference!
SO, there you have it! What are some things that keep you in-sync and allow you to be the best you can be?!
Being InSync is that special state when body and mind are aligned, we are in touch with our core, and we are driven from within to achieve our full potential. The positivity that radiates from being InSync will benefit all aspects of a person’s life – at work, in personal relationships and in the all-important relationship with oneself. Activia is an expertly designed yogurt with exclusive B.L. Regularis, carefully selected ingredients and a refined texture. Activia, #LiveInSync.
This post was brought to you by Activia From Danone via Mode Media Canada. The opinions expressed here are those of the influencers and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Activia from Danone.
I keep trying to get into running because I really WANT to love it, but I just don’t. I just wish running loved me and I wished I loved it so we could live happily ever after haha 🙁
Denton & Lou
I hear ya, Meg!! My relationship with it is still rocky but I truly do feel better once it’s done!! But, with that being said it took years for me to even tolerate it! Keep trying… you may learn to love it, but you may not! You will find what works best for you!
Very cute doggy friend – I love your blog 🙂
xx, Charlotte
Thanks, Charlotte! He is pretty cute I must admit… he does need a haircut though!!